First kiss

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Santana was at home, her fingers tapping on her phone screen as she composed a text message. She had a simple idea in mind and was eager to spend some quality time with Brittany. With a grin, she typed out the message, "Wanna come over?"

Within moments, a reply came in. Santana's anticipation grew as she read Brittany's response: "What are we gonna do?"

Santana's fingers moved quickly as she replied, "Just gonna watch a movie."

Brittany's response arrived, and Santana's excitement rose. "Alr, ima get dressed rq tho."

At Brittany's house, a sense of purpose filled the air. Brittany moved with an efficient grace, her choice of clothing reflecting both comfort and style. Dark green cargo trousers paired with a grey hoodie exuded a laid-back vibe, while white and green New Balance shoes completed her outfit. Taylor was equally stylish, dressed in a bright yellow summer dress and her tiny white shoes.

With Taylor's bag of clothes on her back and Taylor in her arms, Brittany locked their front door, securing their home. She held Taylor close, the bond between them palpable as they walked down the path. Brittany's steps were sure and steady, her gaze focused on their destination: Taylor's friend's house.

With a gentle knock on the door, they were greeted by Taylor's friend's parent. The exchange was brief and friendly, and soon Brittany was bidding Taylor farewell, her warm smile reassuring the little girl.

As Taylor settled into her friend's home for a playdate, Brittany turned on her heel and began the walk to Santana's aunt's house. The path was familiar, the journey short yet meaningful. Her steps were infused with purpose, her heart open to the time she would spend with Santana.

Brittany walked along the familiar path to Santana's house, her headphones playing Britney Spears' music, enveloping her in its rhythm and melody. Lost in her own world, she felt a sense of anticipation for their hangout. As she approached Santana's doorstep, she pulled out her headphones and tucked them into her bag. Her heart was light, her steps filled with the comfort of familiarity.

With a determined knock on the door, Brittany's smile was ready to greet Santana as she usually did. However, when the door swung open, her smile faltered and her eyes widened in surprise. Standing before her was a man, a spitting image of Santana, but with a few grey hairs scattered within his beard and hair. It took Brittany a moment to process the unexpected sight before her.

The man's gaze met hers, his expression curious but guarded. "Who are you?" he inquired, his voice carrying a mixture of caution and curiosity.

Brittany's heart raced as she stammered out her name. "I'm Brittany. I'm here to... um, watch a movie with Santana."

The man's gaze remained fixed on her, his demeanor assessing as he crossed his arms. "Watch a movie with Santana, huh?"

Brittany's discomfort grew as she shifted uneasily under his scrutiny. She felt a wave of uncertainty wash over her, a stark contrast to the confidence she usually held. She managed a small nod in response.

Without a word, he stepped aside, gesturing for her to enter. Brittany walked inside, her heart still racing, and her mind spinning with questions and unease. As she moved further into the house, she couldn't help but notice a woman seated in the living room, her features sharing a resemblance with Santana.

Brittany's breath caught in her throat as she realized the woman was likely Santana's mother. She felt a pang of nervousness and anxiety, her thoughts racing as she tried to gather herself.

Before she could head up the stairs to find Santana, the man's voice broke the silence. "Brittany, could we have a quick chat?"

Brittany froze, her stomach churning with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity. She nodded hesitantly and followed him to the front room, where Santana's mother sat.

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