Bowling in the arcade

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Brittany lay in her cozy bed, the soft glow of her phone illuminating her face. With a smile, she typed out a message to Santana, her fingers dancing across the screen.

"Hey, wanna go to the arcade later? Maybe around 8:30pm?"

Seconds later, Santana's response came through, and Brittany could practically hear her voice in the text.

"Sounds fun! But 8:30pm? Ugh, I can't wait that long!"

Brittany chuckled softly at Santana's impatience. It was one of the things she loved about her – that fiery spirit and eagerness. She quickly typed back, her thumbs moving with a sense of playfulness.

"Sorry, San, but I've barely spent any time with my friends. Thought I should probably do that."

Santana's reply came quickly, and Brittany could almost picture the pout on her face.

"Ugh, fine. But don't forget about me!"

Brittany's heart warmed at Santana's words. She knew Santana could be playful and teasing, but there was always an underlying sincerity in her tone. Brittany typed back, her fingers tapping lightly.

"Never could forget about you, San. See you at 8:30."

Brittany's fingers moved across her phone screen as she typed a message to Sugar. "Hey, wanna hang out?"

The response was quick, and Brittany's lips curled into a smile as she read Sugar's enthusiastic reply. "Totally! When and where?"

Brittany considered for a moment before typing her response. "How about now? And maybe just you and me this time?"

There was a brief pause before Sugar's reply came through. "Sure, that sounds good! Rory was gonna join, but I guess it can be just us."

Brittany hesitated for a moment, then decided to be honest. "Yeah, you've been hanging out with Rory a lot the past few days. It'll be nice to have some girl time!"

Sugar's response was understanding. "Totally get it. See you soon!"

Brittany turned off her phone, setting it aside to get ready. She opened her closet, considering her outfit choices. After a moment's thought, she pulled out a light blue tank top and matching jeans, paired with high-top blue Jordans. She liked the casual and comfortable vibe it gave off.

With her outfit chosen, she grabbed a black jacket, slinging it over her arm as she headed out to her car. She tossed the jacket onto the back seat, slipped into the driver's seat, and started the engine. The anticipation of spending time with Sugar, her close friend, made her heart race with excitement.

The drive to Sugar's place was accompanied by the hum of the engine and the wind through the open windows. Brittany parked in front of Sugar's house and turned off the car, grabbing her jacket and slipping it on before stepping out.

She walked up to the front door and gave it a light knock. When the door swung open, Sugar greeted her with a warm smile. "Hey, Brittany!"

"Hey, Sugar!" Brittany returned the smile.

Brittany and Sugar sat side by side in the car, the engine humming softly as they pulled out of the driveway. A sense of excitement filled the air as they headed towards the mall, a destination for shopping, fun, and quality time together.

As they merged onto the main road, Brittany couldn't help but feel the energy radiating between them. She turned to Sugar with a mischievous grin. "So what shops do you want to go to?"

Sugar looked thoughtful for a moment before replying, "I was thinking Primark. What about you?"

Brittany's grin widened, and she raised an eyebrow playfully. "Are you sure you don't want to go to Victoria's Secret for Rory?"

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