Start of summer

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On the final day of school, Santana and Quinn found themselves seated in their math class, the last lesson of the year feeling like a mix of liberation and bittersweet nostalgia. As their teacher scribbled equations on the board, Quinn turned towards Santana with a conspiratorial smile.

"Hey, Santana, now that school's out, we should definitely hang out more this summer," Quinn whispered, her eyes gleaming.

Santana glanced at Quinn, raising an eyebrow. "Hang out? Seriously? You and me?"

Quinn playfully nudged Santana's arm. "Yes, you and me. We've survived another year together, might as well celebrate."

Santana smirked. "Well, well, aren't we getting all sentimental. Sure, hanging out sounds like a plan."

Quinn gasped dramatically, placing a hand on her chest. "Oh my gosh, did the world just end? Did Santana Lopez just agree to something without a snarky comment?"

Santana nudged Quinn back with a grin. "Hey, I can be agreeable when the situation calls for it. Don't act so shocked."

Quinn's grin turned into a contemplative look. "I was thinking maybe we could have a movie marathon, hit the mall, just do stuff we haven't had time for during the school year."

Santana's expression changed, a guilty smile playing on her lips. "Actually, I can't do that. I'm going to England for the summer. My aunt invited me, and yeah, I kinda forgot to mention it."

Quinn's eyes widened dramatically. "Wait, what? You're going to England? And you're telling me now?"

Santana shrugged sheepishly. "Yeah, I know, my bad. It just slipped my mind."

Quinn gave Santana a playful smack on the arm. "You're lucky I'm not that mad at you. So, when's the big departure?"

Santana glanced at the clock. "Tomorrow, believe it or not."

Quinn's eyes widened again. "Tomorrow? Seriously, Santana?"

Santana chuckled, a hint of mischief in her eyes. "Yeah, I know, I'm a master of timing."

Quinn crossed her arms, a mock-stern expression on her face. "So, you're telling me you're leaving for England tomorrow, and you conveniently forgot to tell me?"

Santana grinned, unable to suppress a triumphant glint. "Well, since I won't be here, I have to make sure you're not too bored. You'll need someone to keep you company, won't you?"

Quinn blinked, piecing together Santana's implication. Her cheeks turned a rosy shade of pink. "Wait, are you implying... Puck?"

Santana's grin widened as she saw Quinn's reaction. "Yup, looks like you two will have plenty of quality time together."

Quinn smacked Santana's arm playfully again, her blush deepening. "You're such a tease, Santana. Have a great time in England, you jerk."

As the bell rang, signaling the end of the school year, Santana and Quinn left the math class with laughter and playful banter. Quinn might have been caught off guard by Santana's sudden announcement, but she knew that their friendship could handle any surprises that came their way, even if they involved certain mohawked troublemakers.

Santana and Quinn strolled into their English class, their footsteps echoing through the quiet hallway. The upcoming summer vacation was the only thing on their minds, and they couldn't wait to bid farewell to schoolwork for a few months. Santana, with her trademark smirk, leaned towards Quinn.

"Hey, Q, ready to spend your entire summer daydreaming about your crush?" she teased, a glint of mischief in her eyes.

Quinn's cheeks turned a shade of pink that perfectly matched her strawberry-blonde hair. "Santana, come on. It's not like that," she muttered, trying to hide her embarrassment.

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