You suck

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The sun was casting its golden glow over the beach, creating a serene backdrop for the group of friends gathered there. Santana, Quinn, Marley, Jake, and Puck were lounging on the sand, enjoying the warmth and the sound of the waves crashing nearby. It was a perfect day for hanging out by the shore.

Santana, dressed in a borrowed shirt that caught everyone's attention, sat with a mischievous smile as her friends eyed the unfamiliar garment. Jake, always the curious one, couldn't resist asking, "Hey, Santana, whose shirt is that?"

Santana shrugged nonchalantly. "I bought it. Figured it looked cool."

Puck, never one to hold back his thoughts, chimed in, "You know what would look even better? That shirt off."

Santana's eyes rolled dramatically, and Marley couldn't help but let out an "ew" in response to Puck's comment.

Quinn, sensing the teasing was going too far, interjected, "Alright, guys, let's not get carried away. It's getting late, anyway. We should head home."

Jake and Puck exchanged knowing glances and made their way in the opposite direction, leaving Santana, Marley, and Quinn to walk back together.

As they strolled along the shoreline, Marley turned to Santana and asked, "So, how's Brittany doing?"

Santana's expression grew a touch somber. "Honestly, I don't know. She hasn't responded to my texts in a few hours."

Quinn offered a reassuring smile. "Maybe she's just been busy. You know how life can get hectic."

Santana sighed, her concern still evident. "Yeah, I get that. But even when she's busy, she always finds a way to text me. It's been longer than usual."

As they reached Santana's house, the trio settled down on the porch steps. Santana fiddled with her phone, her gaze distant as she thought about Brittany.

Marley reached over and placed a comforting hand on Santana's shoulder. "I'm sure she'll get back to you soon. You guys are solid, right?"

Santana managed a small smile. "Yeah, we are. Thanks, Marley."

Quinn nodded in agreement. "Just give her a little time. I'm sure everything's fine."

The sun shone brightly in the sky as Brittany, her parents, and Taylor pulled up in front of their new house. It was a moment of anticipation and excitement as they looked at the place that would soon become their home. Suitcases were neatly stacked in the trunk, ready to be carried inside.

As they entered the house, Taylor's eyes widened with wonder. She was eager to explore the new space, and even attempted to carry her backpack on her own. However, the backpack proved to be too heavy for her, and she ended up pouting and calling for Brittany's help.

Brittany chuckled warmly, kneeling down beside Taylor. "Hey there, little one. Need some help?"

Taylor nodded, her pout slowly turning into a hopeful smile. Brittany couldn't resist that expression and gently scooped her sister up into her arms, backpack included.

"Alright, let's get this bag and you inside," Brittany said, her tone playful.

With Taylor in her arms and the backpack secured, Brittany made her way into the house, following her parents. Inside, Pierce greeted them with a welcoming smile.

"Good to have you all here. Tay, your room is the one downstairs, the small one on the left," Pierce said.

Taylor wiggled in Brittany's arms, her excitement evident. "Can we see it now, Britt?"

Brittany smiled down at her sister. "Sure."

Setting Taylor down, Brittany watched as her little sister practically skipped off to explore her new room. Pierce turned to Brittany.

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