Practice Makes Perfect!

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Aphmau's POV

     I got home, got changed, and locked myself in my room to start training. I have to get this to work, no matter how long it takes. I remembered that flower in my closet, so I went into my closet to look for it. It was siting there on then floor. there was no doubt it was dead though. All the pedals were sitting in the dirt, completely brown, and the stem of the flower was bending towards the floor. Maybe I can bring it back! And then I can practice even more on it! I mean, Lucinda said that with the help of Zane and Kim, she was able to bring me back, and it had already been around two days I was gone. It's probably even more simple to bring back a flower!

     I stretched out my hands and thought about Aaron, and all the good times we had. I thought about how much I loved him. But my thoughts quickly changed from happy things to sad things. I thought about what I did to him. I thought about what I put him through...I thought about how all of this is my fault. I made him forget me...I made Lucinda lose her magic...I gave Zane some trauma, heck, I even stabbed Travis! I hurt everyone.

     I looked back at the flower, and I saw no change. I didn't feel my love for Aaron, like I was supposed to. I felt guilt. I just sighed and tried to do it again. I closed my eyes and concentrated on Aaron. Then I heard a squeaky voice.

     "YOU LEFT ME!!" It squeaked. I opened my eyes to someone, or something, I thought I'd never see again.

     "Woof?! How did you get here?!"

     "Travis brought me from the hospital and he left me here. Now back to me, WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME IN STARLIGHT?!" I was starting to get annoyed.

     "Seriously? You're asking why I left you? Do you even know what happened?! The whole Island was destroyed! I was so hurt, I had to stay in that horrible place for a whole year, and you're complaining because I forgot about you! I'm sorry, I was just busy trying not to die again!" I vented. Woof went silent.

     "Wow...I'm sorry. I didn't know you had to go through all-wait, did you say 'die again'?" Woof asked. I sighed.

     "Yes." I said again.

     "I missed out on a lot, didn't I? What even happened?!"

     "I uh, got shot with a green laser beam, or something. It was all pretty fuzzy." I said, trying to remember more clearly.

     "EXCUSE ME?! HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?! I mean you still look pretty messed up!" Woof exclaimed, staring at my wheelchair. I rolled my eyes, irritated.

     "Thanks to Lucinda, Zane and Kim, They brought me back, and patched up the hole in my chest, which is now opening..." I mumbled the last part.

     "Ok, you'll have to explain the whole story to me later, but for right now, what are you doing with the flower?" Woof asked.

     "I'm trying to bring it back so I can practice my healing on it." I closed my eyes and focused really hard.

     "Well it's been dead for over two years, remember? Maybe you should just get another dying plant." Woof suggested.

     "Hmm, maybe. I bet Lucinda has another one! Since she lost her magicks, she must be practicing! I'll be right back, Woof." I rolled out of the closet, unlocked my door and left into the hallway.

     "Wait that was just a joke! Aaaand she's gone." I overheard Woof huff. I called out for Melissa.

     "What's up?"

     "Can you take me to Lucinda's? I wanna ask her something."

     "What do you wanna ask?" Melissa said curiously. She was always nosy.

     "I want to ask her if she could help me with...a potion! Yeah, I was talking with her the other day, and she said she wanted to make a potion with me!" I lied.

     "Hmmmm...Ok than! Off to Lucinda's!" Melissa yelled. Melissa dragged Aaron along too, but I would only be there for a little bit, so they won't know what's going on.


     "So let me get this straight, you assumed I had a dying flower, and you want to borrow it?" Lucinda questioned suspiciously.

     "Yes! Do you have one?"

     "Well, I don't know if I have a dying one, but I have a couple flowers! Here, let me show you." She led me to a very small desktop size garden in her potion room. This place gives me a déjà vu. Especially when I stared at a green colored potion sitting on her desk. I must've space out while looking at it, because Lucinda had to snap me out of it, and she said I was starting to breathe heavy. She showed me some one her flowers and handed me one.

     "I think this one is starting to wilt just a little bit. It's probably one of my oldest flowers of the bunch. You can have it if you want-"

     "ThanksLucindaIreallyapprechiateitbutIgottagobye!" I rolled out of the room quickly and out of the backyard to the front of the house where Melissa and Aaron were waiting.

     "Ok I'm ready to go back home!" I said quickly.

      "Not yet! Since you said we can go to Physical therapy whenever, I scheduled one for today with the same physical therapist Aaron had. He can also help with your sprained ankle." Melissa put me in the car with Aaron and we drove off to meet this "Instructor" or whatever. I guess my healing plans will have to wait.


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