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(This story is taken 10 years into the future)

3rd Person POV:

There was a slight breeze in the air, and everyone was in their houses enjoying themselves, watching the thanksgiving parade. Aphmau and her friends all banded together to enjoy this special day with each other. Everyone brought one dish of their choosing. On the table sat mouth-watering foods, such as pork chops, cranberry sauce, corn, casserole, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, stuffing, macaroni and cheese, and pies. Everyone was beginning to leave the living room as the parade came to an end, and all gathered around the dining room table and took a seat. Aaron was no where to be seen, and Aphmau was confused.

"Has anyone seen Aaron?" Aphmau asked.

"He was with us when we were watching the parade." Garroth responded.

"Maybe he just went to the bathroom." Katelyn assumed. Just then, Aaron appeared with a beautiful golden turkey in his arms. Aphmau shot up to help him.

"Heheh, surprise!" Aaron said, putting the turkey on the middle of the table.

"Aaron, this looks wonderful!" Aphmau said.

"Anything for my family." Aaron replied. Just then, Lilith came down the stairs and asked, "Is the parade over?"

"Yes, you guys can come down now." Aphmau answered. Lilith walked back up the stairs to retrieve Alina, who was still very small, just only learning how to walk. Lilith picked her up and carried her down the stairs.

"Thank you again for being such a good sister." Aphmau thanked.

"Please, I'd do this for anybody, as long as nobody was eating. Then I'd leave." Lilith joked, finding a seat by her mother and father. Everyone laughed and Aphmau brought a highchair next to her seat and placed Alina inside.

"Why do you guys stay upstairs during the parade anyways?" Zane asked.

"Because Alina doesn't want Santa to see her, beaus she thinks she won't get presents." Everyone laughed and gathered around the table, prayed for the food, and proceeded to pick their favorites.

"Goodness, everything looks so wonderful I don't know what to start with!" Aphmau said, picking up the last piece of food she wanted. Everyone ate and talked about whatever their heart desired, and they also reminisced about all those good times they've had.

"So Lilith, how's school going for ya?" Zane asked.

"Decent, I guess. I just can't wait to leave and relax." Lilith sighed.

"But I thought you said you wanted to go to college to be a nurse." Nana said.

"Well, I still do, but I just wanna have a break from school before I hit the road to start something." Lilith responded, stuffing a piece of turkey in her mouth.

"How's Alina been doing?" Travis asked.

"She's still not eating. We're trying to get her to eat something, but she always refuses." Aaron said upset.

"Did you take her to a therapist?" Dante questioned.

"At least three of them. Nothings worked." Aphmau said defeated.

"You just gotta keep hoping for the best. She'll be alright as long as you guys are there for her." Lucinda concluded the touchy subject. Everyone ate in silence for a moment before another subject was touched upon.

"So Katelyn! How's being pregnant going for you?" Aphmau said with a smile.

"I feel fat, but otherwise good. I'm glad I'm not vomiting every two seconds anymore." She joked.

"Did you guys settle on a name yet?"" KC asked.

"Well, We settled on a boy name. We're still thinking of a girl name just in case." Travis answered.

"What's the boy name then?" Lucinda asked.

"Ray. If it's a girl, we were thinking about Ashley, but it's not set in stone yet." Katelyn responded.

"THAT'S ADORABLE!" Aphmau cheered.

"Now you look like the one who's about to explode." Aaron laughed, clearly referencing Kawaii~Chan.

"Hey, she's all about ships. I'm all about babies." Everyone laughed a little and finished the little bit of food they had left on their plates, well, all except Aphmau. When everyone finished their food, they went to the couch to reminisce, while Aphmau chose to stay at the table with Alina. Aaron wanted to stay as well, but Aphmau insisted him to join them and enjoy himself. She sat alone at the table, trying to get Alina to eat. All she would do is shove the food away or pour it atop of her head. Luckily this time, she pushed it away.

"C'mon Alina. Please? Do it for Mommy?" Aphmau begged in a baby-like voice to get Alina's attention. Alina just giggled and clapped in her highchair. Aphmau sighed and tried again. Alina pushed the container of mooched carrots away once more, this time more aggressive.

"Alina, please, just give it a try." Aphmau said giving up. She grabbed a spoon and scooped up some mushed carrots, and put it close to her mouth. Alina grabbed the spoon and put it even closer to her mouth. This made Aphmau giggle.

"Sweetie, I'm the one who holds the spoon, and you're the one who eats what's on the spoon, silly-" Aphmau was cut off by something that amazed her eyes. Alina was holding an empty spoon, and she had mushed carrot covered on her face and mouth. Aphmau's face went from shocked to a, "Can't stop smiling" face. She shot out our her chair and ran to the living room, sliding on the floor.

"Aaron! Alina just ate something!" Aphmau cheered. Aaron got up from where he was sitting and he went with Aphmau to check on Alina. When they arrived, they saw Alina desperately reaching for the container of mushed carrots. Aphmau ran up to her, grabbed the spoon sitting on the table, and scooped up another spoonful of mushed carrots. She put it up to Alina's mouth, and Alina gobbled it right up. The two cheered loudly as Alina continued to eat the mushed carrots with her bare hands, and everyone came to watch.

"I told you guys she'd eat!" Lucinda lauded. Everyone watched as Alina took her last bites of the mushed carrots before the container was empty. She proceeded to burp and the room erupted in laughter. Aphmau was in tears, and she held her baby tightly. Afterwards, everyone spent time together, and eventually left for home. Aphmau, Aaron, Alina and Lilith sat by the fireplace and let Christmas music play.

"Today was a good day, right?" Aphmau asked.

"Of course it was," Aaron responded. "It's gonna be a thanksgiving we never forget."

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