Everyone Finds Out

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Aphmau's POV:

     My breathing got heavier, and my hands became shaky. I heard loud gasps around me, and I looked up to everyone staring at me. Aaron, Melissa and Zane gave me worried looks. The wolf pups and Garroth looked at me with no care, and the rest of my friends looked at me in shock. Katelyn almost went pale, and so did I. I shot up, loosing my balance. I grabbed my cane from behind me and stood up straight.

     "A...Aphmau?" Katelyn asked quietly. I couldn't do it. I couldn't take this right now. I wasn't ready to tell them. I didn't know if I could run yet, but I wasn't gonna wait around here, instead, I think I'll find out if I can. I twist my body in the opposite direction I was facing and booked it. With every step pain coursed through my body, but I wasn't letting anyone catch me. My cane crashed with the floor, and it dropped from my hand. I lost balance for a second, but I continued to run. I wasn't stopping for anything or anyone. I heard my friends call for me, but I didn't listen. I exited the cafe and ran. I ran and ran as far as the eye can see. My breathing was no longer steady, and I could feel my heart pounding on my ribcage, begging to be let loose. I felt as if I couldn't do it anymore. I slowed down a bit, but that was the dumbest decision I made that day.

     I fell to the ground and scrapped my knees and elbows. I also scratched my face a little. But it wasn't as bad as my other scrapes. I groaned and slowly got up from where I laid. It was then when I could hear the shouts of familiar voices call out to me once more. I couldn't let them catch me. I wouldn't let them catch me. I got up faster under pressure, and started sprinting, but I was already too late. I hand grabbed my by the arm and got me to stop. He pulled me back and I fell into his arms. My legs were on fire, so I whimpered as my legs suddenly stopped moving, making it easier to feel the pain.

     I looked up to who had caught me. It was Aaron. Man, I thought I could get away. I didn't think they'd follow me this far. We were really far from the cafe, even though it's kind of more like a restaurant if you ask me. Now that I've stopped, everything felt like I t was shutting down. My hands and arms couldn't hold me up anymore, my legs became numb, and my head was racing with thoughts I didn't want to ever think about. My breathing got more heavy by the second. Aaron could see I was tired. He kneeled down and sat on the floor, letting me sit on his lap.

     "It's' gonna be okay. Don't worry about what they'll think. If your friends love you, they'll accept you." Aaron put his hand on my head and started to stroke my hair. He stopped, and then rested his head on mine. I felt like I was breaking inside. I started to cry a little, and Aaron held me closer.

     "Shh, it's okay." We sat there until our other friends arrived, still very far from us. Aaron was too fast for my own good. I thought I could make it. I thought I could make them think it was all a dream. But I couldn't anymore. I calmed my breath, and I no longer felt my heart attempting to break free from its boney cage. I couldn't bear to think of what would happen with my friends. I think the majority of them would accept me, but I've held this secret for too long. What if they all think bad of me? What if they don't want to be my friends anymore? The thoughts and outcomes of each question was too much for me.

     Aaron helped me back on my feet, and it was at the same moment that everyone arrived. I hid my ears and tail as an instinct.

     "Aphmau! You have some explaining to do!" Katelyn marched on over. I whimpered in fear of what would become of me. Of what would become of the truth. I gulped, and gave her a weak smile to cover up my fear. She saw right through me.

     "Aph, I know that smug look on your face is fake. Just tell us what the heck happened in there!" Katelyn said. Garroth pulled her towards the rest of my friends lightly.

     "Katelyn, don't be so rude. You know she's anxious, and you're only making it worse." He said. She relaxed a little, but was still clearly tense.

     "Aphmau, please, tell us what's going on. We're not mad or upset, if that's what you think. We just want to help you." KC said. I shakily sighed, knowing I was going to have to explain. I explained the whole story, and everyone looked at me once more with shock. Most of them just seemed a little surprised, but the only two people that looked at me with utter shock were Katelyn and Dante. Shoot. I forgot Dante still doesn't really know what happened back at starlight. I shouldn't have opened up so much. Katelyn's reaction was expected, which I didn't enjoy. Her expression changed from shocked to slightly angry.

    "Aphmau, why didn't you tell us? Why did you think we wouldn't trust you?" Katelyn asked seriously. Her words made me get to my breaking point. I didn't burst, but slowly, tears streamed down my cheeks, and I tried to calm down. Everyone looked at each other with concern and confusion.

     "S-Sorry.." I cleared my throat. I held both of my elbows in my hand and crossed my arms softly. I was hesitant to talk about this whole situation further, but I knew without explanations they'd just keep asking unanswered questions.

     "I-It's just, I was a-afraid to tell you. I know how much you don't really like werewolves, just because of what they did to Kacey, a-and at starlight—when you found out about Aaron, you looked at him differently. I-I was just so afraid to tell you, thinking you wouldn't look at me the same." I said, directly at Katelyn, with tears still streaming down my face. I didn't bother wiping them this time. She looked at me with unpleasantness plastered on her face, and her expression shifted to a sad look. She walked over to me, and hugged me.

     "Aphmau, we're practically sisters now. I would never look at you differently, whether you're a werewolf or not. I know I said I was skeptical of werewolves back in high school, but that was in high school. I know that people change, and people regret. I'm sure some of them regret the mischief they caused there. I already know you're a great person, and would never change the way I look at you just because you're a werewolf." She said. Her words reassured me that nothing was going to happen. I was in the clear. She accepted me. I burst in tears and hugged her back weakly.

     "Thank you." I said muffled.

Katelyn's POV:

     I didn't realize how scared Aphmau was until Garroth pointed it out to me. Guilt overwhelmed me, because I knew what she said was true. I still didn't like werewolves very much, but I can tell the difference between the good and the bad. I knew Aphmau was a good person. Now I was only scared for her. What if she becomes like them? When I found out Aaron was werewolf, he turned into a giant wolf! And just because he was angry! How do I know Aphmau won't turn out that way? I couldn't let her think I didn't love her though, because I still did, and always will. She was too scared. I had to calm her down.

     "Aphmau, we're practically sisters now. I would never look at you differently, whether you're a werewolf or not. I know I said I was skeptical of werewolves back in high school, but that was in high school. I know that people change, and people regret. I'm sure some of them regret the mischief they caused there. I already know you're a great person, and would never change the way I look at you just because you're a werewolf." I said calm. She hugged me back with shaky hands and squished her face into my shoulder.

     "Thank you." I barely heard. I patted her on the back and sighed to myself, knowing I was telling her lies. I did see her differently. I don't think she's different, but I think that she could change because of this. I don't want that to happen to her. She out of all of us has been through too much. She doesn't deserve it. If I do accept her, which I do, then I'll make it my mission to keep her the same. I don't want her to become aggressive. It was never in her nature, and with my help, it hopefully never will be.

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