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This chapter was made possible with the help of LakshyaGupta316 (I couldn't put the @ for some reason)

7 years prior

3rd Person POV:

It was a warm, sunny day, a perfect day to spend time with friends. Laurence was walking along the sidewalk, beating the fences with his finger, making his own little tune. He only walked a short distance back to his home, when suddenly, a water balloon dashed in Laurance's direction, and he as hit. Water dripped from his body, and he was completely drenched. Then a large remarkable giggle was heard from behind a bush. Laurance stomped his way over to the bush, and parted it, revealing Garroth, who at this point could't hold in his chuckles and burst in tears. Laurance was fuming, and he marched inside.

Dante was sleeping in a hammock in his backyard, enjoying the peaceful weather. Out of no where, the hammock was flipped, and he woke up on the floor. He had first thought the winds must've gotten strong for a second, but when he turned his back he saw people hiding, as well as smirking. The people were specifically Travis and Lucinda. Dante did not appreciate his beauty sleep getting interrupted, so he went back into the house, stormed upstairs, and grumpily covered himself in sheets.

Dante was still trying to sleep, but he got a message. Shooting up from his bed he went to go check, and was quickly (slightly) disappointed to see it was Laurance. They messaged each other about their days, and agreed it was time to get pay-back. Thy planned to meet up at eight-o'clock at night, and plot their scenes against practically everyone on the block. Laurance planned to take out Garroth, while Dante got back at Travis. He would've done Lucinda as well, if he didn't think she was scary, that is. Being said, the time came for them to meet up.

"Psst, HEY! OVER HERE!" Dante screamed from a distance, hiding in a bush. Laurance rushed over to shut him up.

"SHUSH! This meeting is supposed to be top secret!" Laurance said.

"Sorry, I was only trying to get your attention! You were like a sore thumb in the middle of the street! You didn't even know where you were going."

"Whatever. We have better things to discuss." Laurance and Dante grinned at each other and began to plot, but they quickly realized they couldn't do it out in the open like this.

Laurance and Dante snuck away from the houses and met up behind Lucinda's house. They made up a plan to prank everyone. They had originally thought of only pranking those who pranked them, but they figured, why not prank the wholes street to make a point to not mess with them? So hey conjured up a plan, a plan to unleash all the animals from the nearest Zoo, and let them roam the streets until someone could fix their mistakes. Both Dante and Laurance were okay with this plan because they just planned to play video games for a few hours until the matter was taken care of. So they snuck out and drove to the Zoo.

"This plan is perfect!" Dante commented.

"The best prank in all of history!" Laurance claimed. They got into the most dangerous of enclosures, and woke up all the lions, tigers, bears, and more! Then they woke them all up to lead them to home, not thinking of any consequences.

"HEY!! WAKE UP!! I GOT SOME DELICIOUS FOOD WITH ME!!" Laurance screamed. All the animals in the nearby enclosures woke up and began to chase Laurance and Dante.

"WHY DIDN'T WE THINK THIS THROUGH!!" Dante shrieked as they both ran back home, all the predators on their tails. They just barely made it to the street of their hometown and ran into their homes. Roars of lions and howls of wolves were heard all throughout the town, which woke everyone up in a panic. At once, people began calling one another, and animal control.

Garroth woke up from his deep slumber, and sloppily walked to the door to see what all the noise was (even though he could've looked through a window). He opened the door wide to then see the chaos coming from outside. He slammed the door shut and sighed heavily, happy that nothing got in. Just then, he heard the calls of a chicken. He looked to his feet, and two were let in by his mistake. He squeezed them both into a hug, and absolutely wanted to keep them.

Cutting to Aphmau's perspective, she was going crazy in the house while Aaron was trying to calm her down, both by the scary animals, and the cute ones. Aphmau was also very dazed from the sudden abruption of her sleep, but she knew if this was part of her dream, she would be very sad if she didn't get anything for herself. That being said, the moment Aaron looked away for two seconds was the same moment Aphmau zoomed out the door to collect some pandas, big and small. Aaron ran after her, and they were soon surrounded by angry lions and lionesses. Aphmau squeezed her pandas gently in her arms out of fear, and the pandas squealed for the same reason. Aaron guarded Aphmau, and protected both her and the pandas.

Just then, a bunch of people came in and captured the lions. Animal control had finally arrived and got all the animals back. Aphmau tried to hide the fact that she had baby pandas in her arms, but she couldn't. She had to unfortunately give them back to the animal control to put them back in the zoo.

"B-But I already named them!" She protested.

"Sorry miss. These pandas belong in a zoo. I guess you can say bye, though." (I) The woman said. She said her ggoodbyes and gave back the pandas, and then Aphmau was very sad.

"Aw man." She said.

"It'll be okay, Aph. Maybe having a pet panda will be legal someday." He comforted.

When all the animals were captured, Dante and Laurance came out to see the chaos they had caused. The street was still a total mess, practically destroyed. Just after, Zane came running out with two chickens in his hands.

"WAIT!! YOU FORGOT THESE!" Zane tried running after the car, but it was no use. The animal control were gone, and he was stuck with two chickens. Laurance and Dante burst out laughing at the block. They had definitely pranked Garroth. But Dante was concerned about Travis. He hadn't heard a peep from their house. It was then that he realized that he hadn't even woken up. It was also then that the street realized Dante and Laurance had caused this mess. They all approached the two.

"H-Hey guys." Dante said.

"Let's not be rash, now." Laurance tried calming down the block.

"You're gonna clean up all this mess. Understand?" Aaron confirmed with them.

"Y-YES SIR!" They both saluted to Aaron. The two began walking away.

"Man, maybe we should've thought of Aaron before all of this." Dante said. And so, Dante and Laurance cleaned the block, and to make Aphmau happy, Garroth gave her one of his new pet chickens.

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