A sigh escaped my lips as I still failed to process the situation.
"How do you feel?" I asked as I broke the hug Hyunjae willingly shared with me. For whatever reason everything had all hit me so much more now that we were in front of his boarding gate. I wasn't even this emotional when I had found out yesterday.
Tears wouldn't stop flowing and I threw the kid into another hug. "Please stay safe Hyunjae, make good decisions, be kind, and you better not forget to call me you little shit." A sad smile grew across my lips and I could see the tears brimming Hyunjae's eyes as he looked down at me. I was almost a decade older than him yet he towered over me which was something I loved to joke about but now it just felt so incredibly sentimental. Just a day ago he was an elementary schooler and now he was almost an adult, it was insane how time flew.
A sudden thought came to mind as I stared at Hyunjae. "Are you sure you don't want me to tell Kyungmin?" He seemed stunned by the question yet clearly had an answer ready for me. "Yeah, not now at least, but when you come to visit me...could you bring him along too?" Even though he was basically asking me to be the messenger and deal with Kyungmin's predictable outburst, I didn't have the heart to say no.
"Of course. Now I think you should go, pretty much everyone has boarded." I turned to look around and noticed none of the waiting seats occupied and only three people left to board the plane. I'm assuming Hyunjae noticed as well seeing as he gave me a sigh.
"I love you Hyunjae, please remember that." I pulled the kid in for one last hug and finally let go after about 30 seconds. Hyunjae was practically like my child the way that my parents had little to no involvement in his life. My father at least had some in mine but when my brother was born he was nowhere to be seen. I had taken Hyunjae to his first everything, first day of school, first soccer practice, you name it. And although I hadn't seen him so much recently, the care for him never ever faded. It never would.
I gave him a nod and with a small wave from Hyunjae he had started walking off. Suddenly he stopped and gave me one last smile before boarding the plane and then he was nowhere in sight.
. . .
Making sure I had wiped the last of my tears I made my way back to the coffee shop and glanced towards Kyungmin who sat peacefully looking at a video on his phone. Initially a fake smile was placed on my face until I had a realization with myself. Hyunjae would be okay and that was something I needed to accept. I would see him in a few weeks and he was in the care of boarding school administration I had managed to hop on a video call with after talking with Hyunjae. They were incredibly nice people and since I'd been researching schools for the entirety of the night and day, I had faith that the school I'd chosen would be a perfect fit. It was barely the beginning of fall so he would begin his year only two months late, hopefully not stunting his education greatly.
And with my conclusion circling my mind, my eyes met that of Kyungmin's and finally a genuine smile glazed my face. Kyungmin was just that type of person who radiated good vibes of sorts. The moment you see him you immediately feel like smiling. Kind of weird but it totally made sense seeing the amount of friends and fans he had acquired over the years.
"J, over here!" I literally had no idea why the fuck he waved his hands as if we didn't make eye contact like 2 seconds ago, but nonetheless I excitedly made my way towards Kyungmin. For now I would be the happiest I could though I knew that regardless of my affirmations everything would break the moment I had time to myself. That was normally when my thoughts decided to conquer me and I was stuck with nothing but fear, anxiety, and worry clouding my mind.
"How's my little stinker!?" As soon as I saw him I finally was able to give him an energetic hug in comparison to before. We quickly jumped up and down together before I finally gained some sort of awareness and felt embarrassed as fuck. Clearly, Kyungmin did too as he dusted himself dramatically.
Kyungmin secured his two suitcases in his hand after throwing away his empty coffee cup and we made our way through the non-crowded airport exit. "Sooo...how was tour you jerk! You literally forgot to fucking tell me I feel betrayed man." I playfully pouted as we continued walking into the parking lot. He had told me he would just call over a taxi so we made our way to the curb which was inconveniently on the other side of the lot.
"Well I already told you I had a good time what more do you want bro?" He pulled one of his infamous disgusted faces as I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.
"Stupid, I want everything from where you visited to what the fuck you ate for breakfast every morning. Oh and please dramatize it I need some flavor in my life to distract myself with," I stated matter-of-a-factly.
He turned to me and glared into my soul, simultaneously hailing us a taxi. "No."
Kyungmin side-eyed me before sharply inhaling. "So...you'll never guess what happened with that bitchy waitress I told you about."