07.5- Interlude 1

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Chiasa Akane loves deeply.

Once she comes to love something or someone.

She will stay by their sides.

Until she can't.


"I've died 14 times and lived 15 times already. I've met you in almost every loop. You think I'm insane don't you? I don't even remember my real name anymore.."

I held onto the boy's hand trembling with nervousness.

I don't know why I was scared. It was pointless in the end. I'll just die and everything would go back to the way it was. He won't remember me. No one will. I'll die over and over and over agai-

"I believe you."


My eyes trailed to his gorgeous grey (or were they blue )eyes. Tears slipped out of me little by little until I fell apart like a dam, falling to the ground I still held onto his hands. It brought me both pain and relief. Wondering if he actually did believe me and that in the next life he probably won't. But...It feels as if a burden was lifted off my shoulders.

He knelt down to my height and wiped away my tears,

I sobbed uncontrollably letting out everything.

My Fear

My Sadness

My Grief

My Frustration

My Helplessness

My Everything

I had eventually run out of tears and am currently sitting on a park bench besides the boy.

I held onto his hand tightly, I'm scared.

I don't want to die again.

I don't want to live again.

The boy squeezed my hand to comfort me silently.

His eyebrows were scrunched up, his mouth in a frown, His eyes squinting, His head lost in thought, His posture rigid.

He was confused yet chose to believe me.

I tilted my head at him

"I'll stay by your side. I won't ever leave you."

He seemed rather comforted by my words...

I wish this moment would last...


Everything erodes.

I can't feel my left arm anymore. It's raining too...

The time I've spent in this loop is 5 months.

My right hand grips the boy's clothes, I'm crying again.

It hurts...

I don't like pain. The boy's face looks panicked.


I opened my mouth preparing to speak.

The Boy saw this and quieted down.

"Chuuya. I'll see you again...I'll stay by your side forever, I promise. I will forever hold you dear in my heart. Thank you for everything my dearest companion.."

My hand lost it's strength and fell down.

My eyes remained opened to my death.


The putrid smell of the alleyway sneaked it's way inside my nose again.

The 16th life.

I've spent a week here only meeting Chuuya.

The 'would you rather' choices have been getting rarer and rarer

I died in a burning building for the 3rd time.


The 17th life.

I died drowning in a raging river.

I met only Chuuya and Oda in this life.


The 18th Life.

I met Ranpo, Fukuzawa, Chuuya, and Kiyoko this life.

Died during an investigation by a stray gun shot.

I think this is the 6th time I died because of bleeding out?


The 19th Life

I met Chuuya, Kiyoko, and Ranpo in this life.

The would you rather choices haven't been popping up as of late.

My stats are getting high.

In this life...

I was killed by HIM..


I hate this place but I love it so much...


I wanna be like a normal teenage girl...

I wanna fall in love even if it's fake.

I want to laugh genuinely...

I like him..

I want to see him..

I'll see you in the next one too...

Although I am on the verge of ruin...

I will cherish you...

I'll see you again....


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