⚠️Tw abuse and panic attacks in this story⚠️
Just wanna say that English is my second language and ideas for the story are always welcome.Y/n has brown curly hair, is 15 years old and is bi.
-----------------------------------------------------Y/n pov
Today is Monday and I am free from school because of work. I have my first day on the set of Marvel. Most of work is after school so this is one of the only times i can skip school. Today isn't after school because it's my first day and the Russo brothers want to have a proper introduction with the whole cast.
I'm really nervous but mostly excited.Right now I am walking to set, it's pretty far from home, but it's the only option. I know my parents won't bring me, they'd get mad if i asked and I don't have a ticket for the bus.
When I'm finally on set I see the Russo brothers wave me over. "It's good to see you y/n, I'm really excited to work with you", says Joe Russo. "Yeah me too, I have seen some of your work and I'm very impressed", says Anthony. I blush a little and say "thank you", but before i can say something else, Joe interrupt me saying "Come on we can chit chat later, almost everyone is in the green room right now so it's probably best to introduce you now." "Yeah that's a good idea" I say.
They walk with me to the green room and I realise how big this set is, I'm definitely gonna get lost.
When we get there I see Lizzie Olsen and Scarlett Johansson sitting together, Rdj and Mark Ruffalo talking with Chris Hemsworth and I see Chris Evans talking with Jeremy Renner. The rest of the cast is just on their phones.
"Everyone, I'd like you to meet y/n l/n, she will be playing y/c/n Maximoff in the upcoming film.", Says Joe. I feel everyone looking at me, but not in a bad way. Everyone looks super friendly.
"Hi, I'm Elizabeth, but you can call me Lizzie. I'll be playing y/c/n's mom.", I hear Lizzie say with a smile on her face. "It's nice to meet you", I say. "Hey y/n, it's so good to see you again!", Chris Evans says while giving me a hug. We know each other from filming Knives out together. (Just pretend it works with the time line). Everyone looks confused, so Chris explained how we knew each other. "Hi, I'm Scarlett", Scarlett tells me with a warm smile. "Hey, I'm Sebastian, want something to drink?", I see a man ask from a small kitchen i only now realise there is. "No thank you" I say not wanting to burden anyone.After everyone introduces themselves and having small talks with the cast, we got handed out scripts and all started reading it on the couches and chairs. Most of my scenes are pretty easy, but theres one where my character has a mental breakdown and I'm definitely not looking forward to it.
Lizzie must have read my face, cause she asked "Can I read it?", I handed it to her and after she read it she said "Yeah that really sucks, do you want me to talk to the writers about it?". That's so sweet of her to say. "No it's okay, I just hope we get it in one or two takes" i say. "Yeah I get that" she says with a soft smile to witch I smile back.After everyone read the script, most of the cast went back to the trailers. I was talking to Chris, Scarlett and Lizzie when Scarlett said she had to pick up Rose from school and that she will see us tomorrow. Now it was only me, Chris and Lizzie. "Can one of you please if you have a minute, show me around cuz I'm so lost right now" I ask. "Yeah of course! D'you wanna join, Chris?", Lizzie says. "I actually also have to go, but have fun and i'll see you tomorrow!" After we said bye to him, Lizzie started showing me around. I also saw the Russo brothers and got the key to my trailer.
Lizzie has shown me everything and now we're talking about our characters in her trailer. She told me about Wanda and I told her what I know about my character so far. I wanted to ask her if she still want me and if she want space, but I'm interrupted by a speaker. "Everyone please come to the meeting room". "Let's go", Lizzie said sticking out her hand for me to grab. I did and we walked to the meeting room together.
The meeting itself was really boring but it's now finally done. The day is over and just as I'm about to leave Sebastian asks me my number so that i can be added to the group chat.
Leaving set behind, i start walking home. There's only one road so there are some cars driving by, but not too many. I put my ear pods in and start listening to some Lana del Rey.
After walking a few minutes a car drives by and then stops in front of me. Oh shit I think to myself. Before I can get to worried I hear Lizzie. "Hey sweetie, want a lift?" "No thank you", I say not really wanting to burden her. "I don't mind, really" she says. "Are you sure?", I ask "Of course" she says to which I thank het and get in the car.
I just gave her my adress and now we're driving home in a comfortable silence. That is untill Lizzie speaks up saying "How come your parents couldn't pick you up?", "Oh just work" I answer.
When we pull up to my house I realise I'm 15 minutes late. Fuck they're gonna kill me.

Teen actress - adopted by Lizzie Olsen
Teen FictionThis teen actress doesn't have the best situation at home, but what will happen when co-stars find out? an adopted by Elizabeth Olsen story I do not own any of the actors, only y/n.