7. What happened sunday?

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Tw: abuse, neglect, food rejection

Y/n pov:
Walking into my house I feel a sense of relief as I realise my parents aren't home yet. I do see a text from my mother. It says that they will be home within two hours and that the house better be clean.

The two hours I have are spend cleaning the whole house as good as possible. I saw that I got some text from Lizzie and some friends but I prefer not answering and being fine the end of the day than answering and that the house isn't clean enough, which will probably lead to me being beaten up by my parents.

"Oh Y/n honey come here." I hear my dad say. And with that I quickly walk down the stairs. "How was your time at the hotel?" I ask. "Fine, go cook us dinner!" Das says angry. "Yeah of course." I say quietly starting to make spaghetti. "And don't you dare eat it, just for us two!" "Yeah of course dad."

After making dinner for them I got told to go to my room. I am pretty tired from cleaning so I think I'm just gonna do some school work and then go to bed.

Time skip to the next evening. (sorry)

Today was horrible. I don't know what I did but let me tell you I have never been beaten up this bad. I don't even remember half of it, the only thing I can think about is how in how much pain I am right now. There isn't one spot on my body that doesn't hurt, except for my head. My parents know I do acting and to not get in trouble they skipped that part of my body.

I put some music on, choosing Taylor Swift, the folklore album. It helps me think of something else and I am able to get a bit of sleep.

The next morning.

My alarm goes off at 6.30 AM. I sigh. My whole body aches. I brush my teeth, put some mascara and lipgloss on, get my backpack ready and put on some baggy and a random long sleeve shirt.

School is very boring, but I did get to chat with some friends which was nice. Right now I'm walking to set. It hurts so bad, especially my ribs, I think I may have a fractured one. My manager told me to post more on Instagram so I post a picture a friend took of me a few weeks ago.


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   The ocean is go peaceful💗

userqq: the ocean is the best.

useraa: She's so beautiful
->userc: nahh she's mid honestly
-->LizzieOlsen: Do you have eyes userc?

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Arriving on set I find Lizzie and give her a big hug. "Hey Liz." "Hey sweetie, how was school?" She asks. "Neh school's school. How was your day?" I say. "Better now that you're here, come on let's go to my trailer."

After talking for a but we decided to do 30 questions again, because it was fun last time, but quickly get stuck in one subject.

"What's your favourite colour?" I ask. "I like dark green." Liz says. "You?" "Uhm like a cherry red or navy blue I guess. What's your favourite city?" I ask. "I like it here in LA, what's your favourite subject at school?" "Uhm I think drama or Spanish, they're pretty easy for me. What was your favourite?" "Yeah I'd say drama." Lizzie stops to take a deep breath and then continues. "Where'd you get your bruises face from last week" She finishes. With that my heart stops. "Liz-" I try with tears already forming in my eyes. "I just wanna know if you're safe sweetheart." Lizzie says softly. "I'll be okay Liz, don't worry." "But I am worried, sweetie please." Lizzie says wiping away a tear on my cheek. "Liz" "Sweetie, please promise me if anything happens you'll call me. I don't care if it's the middle of the night, seven in the morning or the middle of the day. I'll come and get you. I want you to know I'm here for you, anything you need. I am always here for you and I won't leave." Lizzie says looking me in the eyes. I hug her tightly as tears roll down my cheeks. I wish my mother was like this, or even better, that Lizzie was my mom. "Thank you Liz, I mean really, really thank you. You've been nothing but kind to me and I'm so grateful for you." "You deserve it."

Before we could say anything else we were called in for a scene. While walking to hair and makeup Lizzie squeezes my hand. "I love you honey, so much." "I love you too Liz." I say.


suggestions are always welcome btw

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2024 ⏰

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Teen actress - adopted by Lizzie Olsen Where stories live. Discover now