CHAPTER 7: 'THE RAVEN: MODEL HERO': Sakura and the Jet-Black Hero.

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Third Person POV:

It was another peaceful day in the small town of Tomoeda. Sakura was out in the local market shopping since her father needed her to run a few errands as he was running late for work.

Looking around the market, Sakura was aimlessly wandering around when she suddenly bumped into Syaoran. After greeting her, Syaoran joined Sakura to help her run errands.

While wandering around the market for a little while, Sakura could see someone arguing with one of the food vendors. The weirdest thing about the guy was the plague doctor mask he had on.

???: All I'm asking for is a couple of Apples, why can't you understand that?!?!

Vendor: Sir, I need these Apples to make caramel Apples. We've been over this 5 times now.


While the two continued to argue, Sakura and Syaoran could only stare at the bizarre situation going on in front of them.

Syaoran: Yeah. . This guy has some issues. . Let's just go- Wait, Sakura??

Sakura, with a bag of apples in her hands, approaches the masked stranger.


Sakura: *Pull the stranger's sleeve* Um, excuse me??

???: *Looks down to see the girl* Oh, pardon me. What is it, young one?

Sakura: Well. . I saw how you were arguing with the vendor for Apples, and seeing as how we overbought some, I thought I may as well give some to you.

???: *Stares down at the Apples and Sakura* A-are you sure??

Sakura: *Nods* Yeah.

As Sakura hands the bag over to the stranger, her instincts suddenly flared up from making contact with his hand. While the figure looked in the bag for the apples, Sakura concentrated and stared at the figure, seeing the aura around him. . It was another Wild Card.

???: I must thank you for the apples, young one. What may your name be?

Sakura: Sakura. . Sakura Kinomoto.

Tokoyami: I am Fumikage Tokoyami. You may call me Tokoyami, though. *Notices her expression as Syaoran runs up next to her* What seems to be troubling you??

Sakura: I-it's nothing. .

Tokoyami:. . You sense it too, don't you?? The aura?

Both Sakura and Syaoran started wide-eyed at the figure, both at a loss of words for how exactly he knew.

Tokoyami: It's too noisy out here, too many eyes and ears in the crowd. Meet me in the park tonight. I'll explain more there.

With that, Tokoyami left the market place, leaving Sakura and Syaoran where they were.

Both kids looked at each other and nodded before making their way back home to prepare.

Later, at night:

Sakura wore an outfit that resembled that of a dark fairy, comprised of a black dress, black tinted wings and black knee socks. She also wore a white cap as Keros wore a white crown on his head.

Tomoyo: I still can't believe a Wild Card would just call you over to fight it. .

Keros: There's a reason we call them 'Wild Cards', they are all unpredictable.

Sakura: Even so, from the way he spoke, it didn't sound like he meant any harm. . It sounded like he just wanted to talk about something.

Syaoran: Sakura.

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