Clyde's a creepy stalker 👀

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*Heidi's POV*

I was walking through the hallway on the way to class when I heard yelling a few feet away.

I turned around to my side and saw Clyde Donovan crying on the floor and clinging on to Bebe's leg like a toddler, while Bebe was screaming at him and trying to get him off.

"I don't even wanna know what the hell that's about" I mumbled to myself.

I continued walking but then I felt someone grab my shoulder. I turned around to see Eric Cartman.

"what do you want?" I said.

"Heidi I swear I've changed!" He said, putting his hands on my shoulders and giving me a sad look.

"you said that last time" I said, shoving him away from me and continuing to walk.

Cartman hesitated, but walked away with a sigh.

finally now I can get to class.

*Wendy's POV*

I was sitting in my seat, barely paying attention to what Mr.Garrison was saying and twirling my pencil around. 

Mr.Garrison stopped talking in the middle of a sentence. I looked up at him and he smiled and walked over to Tweek and Craig.

"passing notes I see?" He said collecting all the tiny papers off their desks. "oh.." Tweek said, mortified.

"Mind if I read these to the class?" mr.garrison said with an evil smile on his face.

Tweek still looked scared as hell and Craig flipped him off.

He walked back up to the front of the class and started to read the notes out loud.

 I don't know why Tweek was so scared when Mr.Garrison picked up the notes.i was expecting something juicy but it was just them talking about their date at the park later. It seemed like Mr.Garrison was equally disappointed too.


*After class* 

After class I walked up to Bebe and Heidi.

I caught a glimpse of Stan on the way there and my heart sank. I can't believe I'm still not over him.

There's a rumor going around that he's been going out with Kyle now. But those are just rumors, right? They can't be true. I was too afraid to ask him or Kyle about it though..

Ever since we broke up over a fight again and he said it was "for real this time" I can't get him out of my head. He hasn't said a word to me for weeks, which was really bothering me.

Anyways, I walked up to Bebe and Heidi to talk about our sleepover after school.

 Apparently Bebe can't go because there's a problem at home that involves Clyde coming in through the window every night and watching Bebe sleep or something? Weird.

So it would just be me and Heidi. Kinda boring, but okay.

*Heidi's POV*

Bebe can't come to our sleepover. That's okay. I'm more close to Bebe though so it'll be kinda awkward..

We started talking. Well, Bebe and Wendy started talking. They were saying stuff that I didn't understand though and were more focused on each other than all three of us. I couldn't help but feel kind of left out, so I walked away. 

I was stopped in the hallway, YET AGAIN by Cartman.

He was fake crying and talking about how he'd kill himself like he did last time. He thinks it'll still work on me. 

Kyle walked up behind him and shoved him against the locker. "She's not into you, fatass." He said, annoyed. Cartman nodded and quickly ran away. Was Cartman afraid of Kyle? I really need to catch up on things..

I said thanks and tried to walk away but Kyle stopped me again. "hey um sorry I was just wondering if you would like to uh..." He said, fiddling with his thumbs and looking down.

"would you like to get like a smoothie or something with me after school?" He said, blushing.

"Of cour-" I stopped when I remembered the sleepover after school. "oh sorry, I have a sleepover with Wendy after school..maybe some other time though!" I said smiling.

"oh yeah, um of course!" He said, smiling awkwardly.

He ran off and I felt butterflies. Last time he acted like that around me was in the fourth grade. I never lost feelings for him.. I felt really happy.

SOrry it's short 😔

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