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No ones POV*

Eric sat in his chair, glaring angrily at Mr. Garrison, who was typing on his phone, ignoring the others in the room. "UGHHHHHH" He groaned, and started leaning his chair back. If he leaned any further, he would've fallen right over.

Wendy was sitting upright and scanning the room. Bebe was writing something on a tiny paper, and tossed it to Wendy's desk.

Wendy picked up the note and read.

" sleepover at mine with the girls on friday. dont be late!!! ͡❛ ‿‿ ͡❛  "

. . . . . . Wendy smiled and looked over at Bebe. Bebe motioned to pass it over to Heidi, so she did.


Heidi wasn't sure if she was excited about the sleepover, she wasn't even sure if she would go. She never liked sleepovers, she felt that they were funner in 4th and 5th grade. Plus, she had a sleepover last Friday, and it wasn't what she planned at all.

Her mother knocked on her door and opened it. Nancy kicked aside a beige sweatshirt on the ground and looked at Heidi. "Heidi, come downstairs for dinner. We're having spaghetti!" She said. Heidi sighed as she jumped off her bed.

She went downstairs and sat in a chair at the dining table. Dinner that night was silent and awkward, and she didn't know why.

After dinner, Heidi went back to her room and started scrolling through TikTok. She eventually fell asleep and started snoring.

imma just end it her because I don't wanna put the sleepover in this chapter. I actually don't know what the fuck I was doing but there it is. 😭🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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