The Sleepover

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Wendy's POV:

I was talking to Bebe about something funny we saw earlier when I realized that Heidi was gone.

I think Bebe saw that I was confused because she stopped talking and asked "what's wrong?"

"Oh uh where'd Heidi go?" I asked "I dunno. Does it matter?" She said "I guess not"

*After school*

Me, Bebe, Nichole and Red all walked out of the building talking and laughing about Craig and Tweek.

I couldn't find Heidi anywhere earlier and she was sitting under a tree making a tiny snowman. The other girls walked away so I walked up to her. "Whatcha doing?" I asked

"oh, I was just making a little snow guy" she said. After that I was standing above her quiet, it was pretty awkward for a few minutes until Heidi finally broke the silence by saying "Well, ready for the sleepover?"

"oh yeah of course" I said. A few minutes passed and we were walking to my house with Bebe too. Eventually Bebe had to take a turn in order to get to her house so it was just me and Heidi walking in silence awkwardly. I hate this already.

*When they finally get to Wendy's house*

*Heidi's POV*

When we got to Wendy's house no one was home. Wendy led me to her room where a cute small dog was asleep on her bed! I immediately ran up to the dog and started petting and kissing it's forehead.

"oh that's Bunny. Stan gave him to me for my 12th birthday..." When she said the last bit I could hear her voice cracking, as if she was about to cry. I looked over and saw a single tear fall from her eye.

Once she saw me looking she flinched and immediately wiped her tear.

I walked up to her, but since I'm really bad at comforting people I just gave her an awkward head pat, which made everything a hundred times more awkward. I don't know what happened. When I was younger I was basically all of my friends therapist and was super great at comforting people.. I hate the way I've become..


it was already one in the morning and we were watching The Queef Sisters while painting each other's nails. After the first 2 hours of being here we weren't as awkward. In the show there was a scene where Terrance broke up with Katherine and Wendy started crying. "what's wrong?" I said, trying to comfort her.

"I miss Stan so much. He doesn't care about me at all. I just wish there was a way to get him to love me again..." She said.

"I'm sorry. I can't imagine how that must feel. I don't understand what you're going through right now but I promise I will support you no matter what." I said, kinda shocked at myself because I haven't said something like that since 4th grade.. Why couldn't I say something like that to her earlier?!

"thanks" she said, smiling and wiping her tears. She then hugged me tightly.

After a few minutes she calmed down and we were talking again. "I wish Cartman would leave me alone." I said, to which she responded with "hm?" while choosing a different color to paint my pinkie nail with.

"oh, it's just that, Cartman is so desperate to get back with me that he's been saying he'll off himself again."

"what?! what's wrong with him?!" she said.

"I know right" 

Wendy then looked up and gave a wide smile. It kinda freaked me out. "I just got the best idea ever!!" She squealed.

"what?" I said, curious

"so... If we fake date..." That's the part that caught me off guard. "what?!" I said to her, shocked. "just listen, if we fake date then Stan will get jealous and take me back and Cartman will leave you alone, seeing that your taken. And Kyle will possibly get jealous and date you too!" She said happily. 

"well..." I said, she looked at me impatient. I sighed, "okay.." "YAYY!!!" she said getting up and doing a happy dance. I looked at her and smiled.

After that we finished a few more episodes and since it was already really late and we quickly got ready to sleep.

But Wendy started insisting that I sleep with her on her bed instead of on the ground, as it would be more comfy and when her parents wake her up it'll be more believable that we're dating. I agreed and to be honest, it was comfier and she was really warm. I fell asleep quickly, with her dog on my feet.

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