This is an imagine for danibrittxo
I hope you enjoy it love! xx
He's finally coming home.
After waiting six months, Crawford is coming back to Canada. It's the longest you two had ever been away from each other. He's been traveling for so long you swear that he lives on a plane. He went to Cochella, he went to Morocco, he had to travel America for digi tour and now he's finally coming home. Sometimes you thought he forgot about you, but when he would FaceTime or Skype you he would tell you that when he gets home, he's going to give you the world.
Right now you were actually talking to Crawford on Skype while he was riding the plane home.Having free wifi on a plane comes in handy.
"So Dani what's the first thing you want to do when I get home?" He asked while shuffling around in his seat and wrapping his blanket tighter on his body.
"I don't even care. I just want to be by your side." You answered .
As corny as that sounds, it's true. You couldn't wait to be wrapped in his arms once again.
You missed his hugs. The way his arms would slide around your waist. The way he would snuggle his head into your neck and leave kissed down your neck.
You also missed his random cuddling sessions. The way you would be sitting on the couch and out of no where you would be tackled down on the couch by Crawford, wrapped in his arms with no way of escaping so you would just give in and you two would just sit there in each others arms for hours."Well baby fear no more. We just hit Canada and we'll be at the airport in no time."
"Who's picking you up?" You asked while sitting up straighter and pulling your glasses off your face.
"My mom, but I'm getting her to drop me off at your house. Are your parents home?"
"No actually. They went on a business trip." You answered.
"Can I stay the night?"
You smiled and let out a small giggle.
Before you could answer you heard a ding and some words that were mumbled that you couldn't understand."Babe we're ten minutes from the airport so they're making us get off the internet. I'll see you when I get home baby. I love you so much." Crawford said while cutting off the connection before you could even reply.
You closed your laptop and placed on the bed side table. You got up off your bed and made your way downstairs. You order some pizza and turned on the tv. Sitting there for about twenty minutes you were still sitting on the couch waiting for your pizza.Could they possible be any slower?
You sigh and walked from the living room to the kitchen to grab yourself a soda. You walked into the kitchen and to the fridge to grab your can soda. Soon after you got your soda the doorbell rung. Quickly you placed your unopened can of soda on the kitchen counter and walked towards your door, grabbing your wallet along the way. Rolling your eyes at the slow pizza man you pulled the door open and froze.
Waiting for the pizza made you forget all about Crawford. He was standing there with your pizza in his hands and a wide smile on his face."Craw." You whispered.
"Baby." He whispered back.
Both of you were just shocked in each other's presence. Not seeing each other in six months can do things to your mind.
He walked in and placed the pizza on the table where you put your keys. He turned around and instantly you ran into his arms, squeezing him tightly.
"I'm so happy to see you." You whispered into his shoulder.
"I'm happy to see you too. I missed you so much." He replied while wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer.
You two stood in each other's arms in silence until he broke it."I love you so so much."
I'm so sorry it took so long. I've have so much going on this weekend and this is the first free time I had in forever. Thanks for reading love and I hope you enjoy it.

Collins Brothers Imagines
FanfictionJust some imagines for the Collins brothers ~~ I do not own or affiliate myself or my writings to Crawford or Chris Collins. They are their own people and for obvious reasons, I do not know associate this book with their professional persons. This...