Season 1 - Episode 1; Shattered (Part 1)

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It opens up by showing the Mushroom Forest (as seen in The Super Mario Bros. Movie), with coins being shown floating above the ground, then a streak of red boosts right through them and were collected.  It then shows Toad and Toadette walking by who both then get passed by the fast streak of red which makes them both spin.

Toad & Toadette: "Woah!"

The red streak then runs back to help them stop spinning.

???: "Sorry Toad.  Sorry Toadette.  I unfortunately can't chat with you 2 right now, I need to meet up with the others so we can stop Bowser." *he then starts running again after finishing his sentence

Toad: "No problem Mario!" *as he waves at his best friend for good luck

Toadette: "Please stop that horrible monster for good!" *who in which does the same thing like Toad

The screen then shows Mario running and then winks at the screen.  He then starts narrating in the background.

Mario: "It's-a me, Mario!  Both myself and my younger (but taller) twin brother Luigi were originally from Brooklyn New York, but when a huge sewer problem happened on one night, we ended up in the depths of Brooklyn's sewers when we were trying to fix the pipe that was causing the flood to happen and then later got sucked into a Warp Pipe heading towards The Mushroom Kingdom upon exploring, but we unfortunately got separated in the process.  I landed right outside of Toad Town and was in the Mushroom Forest as most residents of the Mushroom Kingdom told me.  My little bro was really unfortunate and landed in what was known as the Dark Lands from what Toad told me when I first met him, after first meeting Princess Peach; the ruler of The Mushroom Kingdom, I told her we needed to stop Bowser so I can save Luigi, but I had to do some training first before setting out with her and Toad.  It took me multiple tries to complete her obstacle course, but I got the hang of it afterwards.  Then us 3 set out to the Kong Country, which was ruled by their king; Cranky Kong.  When Peach asked for his Kong Army's help to stop Bowser's Army, he declined at first but I then told him that my brother was kidnapped by Bowser and said we weren't leaving without his army.  I was however then forced to beat his son; Donkey Kong, in a fight in order for Peach to gain control of the Kong Army, I luckily did beated him by using a Cat Suit power up.  Then we went to create our karts in order to race towards The Mushroom Kingdom in order to ambush Bowser and his army.  But the King Koopa himself had other plans and decided to send out his army to try and stop all of us from reaching The Mushroom Kingdom.  Which led to both D.K. and myself to fall off Rainbow Road thanks to the Blue Shell Koopa General.  Cranky Kong and his Kong Army were then taken and captured by Bowser's Army with both myself and D.K. to be eaten and stuck inside a Unagi's belly.  Peach and Toad then drove back to The Mushroom Kingdom warning them that Bowser was heading his way towards their Kingdom and ordered them to evacuate so they could be safe from the King Koopa.  But it surprisingly turned out that Bowser's plan all along was to marry Peach.  Which she secretly didn't approve of since she was human and he was a pure monster. Before the wedding happened, myself and D.K. were stuck inside of the Unagi's belly, we both then started relating between ourselves and our fathers' thinking that were mostly failures to them, which leaded to us putting our differences aside and started to work together and we then manage to fly out of the Unagi's belly with D.K.'s last Rocket Barrel from his kart.  When the wedding occurred, it turned out that Toad secretly hid an Ice Flower in the bouquet of flowers that he gave to Peach, so she took Bowser and his army by surprise and used it to freeze him and the gears that were lowering the cages (with my brother; Luigi and Cranky Kong being among the prisoners in them), both D.K. and myself got to Bowser's kingdom in the Mushroom Kingdom, but some of Bowser's troops fired a Bullet Bill at us leading both of us to fall and crash in Toad Town, we spotted a tons of Bowser's Army were piling up a massive amount of ? Blocks.  Seeing the opportunity, both myself and D.K. decided to have some fun and grabbed a couple of power-ups and took out the troops while heading towards Bowser's Kingdom.  I managed to save my brother from falling into the lava by using the Tanooki Suit I got from grabbing a Super Leaf and D.K. lifts Cranky Kong's cage over the pool of lava out and released him from it.  Bowser then breathes fire releasing his head from being encased in ice and calls down a Bonzai Bill aiming towards Peach's castle and the Mushroom Kingdom.  I then flew up getting towards it and slapped his left eye with my Tanooki tail and got its' attention.  I then led him away from the castle and took it towards the Warp Pipe where I landed out from, it got sucked in it and exploded while inside the pipe and caused the Warp Pipe to go crazy and started sucking everything in and heading towards Brooklyn. When we landed, I then teamed up with Luigi and we both grabbed the Super Star and powered up from it.  We managed to defeat Bowser and then trapped him in a tiny jar after feeding him a Mini Mushroom.  Then both myself and Luigi officially became famous both in Brooklyn and in The Mushroom Kingdom since that day."

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