chapter eighteen

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Chapter 18

Mina cracked her neck as she leaned back in Klaus's office chair, watching the nonchalant look on his face. She wanted to smack him. "I'm telling you, Klaus. This is a problem for all of us. We should be worried!"

"About what, Mina?" Klaus questioned, turning around a little to look at the Bennett witch. "A dream by a witch about a dead witch I killed myself?"

Mina shook her head. "Oh? So no Mikaelson has come back from the dead to cause chaos?" Niklaus only ignored her, still brushing over the white cloud he was making. "Esther Mikaelson, your mother, connected herself to the Bennett line the latest time she tried to murder you and your idiot siblings. This dream isn't just a dream. If she's still connected to me, I could be seeing things that are going on in her head as we speak."

"Or, you could be paranoid... Imagining things that aren't there." The hybrid suggested.

"I'm the paranoid one?"

"The fact is," Klaus started, picking up another brush and dipping it into the crimson-red color he loved. "Mother Dearest is no longer a threat to us. My Mother has been plotting our demise for centuries and if she's still going at it from the great beyond, let her."

Sighing, Mina stood. "Remember the last time you said you weren't worried?"

Klaus tense, glancing behind him and watching him Mina made her way to the door. Appearing in front of her, he grabbed the knob before she could. "Does she know?"

Mina noted the change in subject. She knew exactly what he was talking about so she decided, this once, she wouldn't react sarcastically. "No. And we'll keep it that way." Answering his riddled question, she stepped forward. Now trying to push against his strong arm. Finally, she paused. "What, Klaus?"

"If anything happens to her, you call me."

Mina rolled her eyes for the fourth time since she had been in that room. She raised two fingers and put them to her heart. "Girl Scouts' honor," She recited sarcastically. When Klaus moved his arm, she slid from behind the door. "In the meantime, come up with a plan for She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named."

As she walked out, she frowned as she slid past Elijah, not liking that he was close enough where he could hear their entire conversation. 

"Elijah, brother," Klaus sighed, dipping his paintbrush in the red paint. Right after he had hung up on Rebekah, Mina barged in, demanding he listen to her. Now that she had left, he was being intruded on by his brother. "What do I owe this unwelcoming surprise."

"We need to talk about Miss Bennett."

Klaus scoffed. "Which one?"


Thinking that his brother was going to talk of the anger present in Kol's wife and Mina, Klaus dropped his paintbrushes, surprise written on his face. Groaning, he complained. "If this is about what you perceive to be my feelings for her-"

"While your feelings for her only continue to make this matter more complicated, brother, no," Elijah started. "Henrik has left the house four times unannounced to go visit her. Does this not worry you?"

"No, it doesn't," The hybrid original admitted honestly, picking the red back up again. "He is more than capable of driving the ten minutes it takes to reach where Bonnie is staying. Us guarding him like a puppy unable to leave our sight is unnecessary."

Elijah countered fast. "He's fifteen."

"For all intents and purposes of the law, Henrik Mikaelson is seventeen. At seventeen, it is more than legal to operate a vehicle."

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