chapter nineteen

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Today is me and my boyfriend's anniversary! Love you babe ❤️

Chapter Nineteen

Mina Bennett knocked on the front door of the Mikaelson Manor. Hearing the familiar sound of heels clicking, she couldn't tell if Rebekah was back or if it was Elyza. To be honest, she didn't really give a fuck.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Elyza asked, upset because Mina was once again interrupting her manicure. "You don't live here anymore."

Mina smiled. "I want a rematch."

"A wha–"

Elyza groaned as she flew against the wall, the painting from above the walkway landing mere feet from her. Raising her hand, she summoned a shield in perfect timing for the fireball inches away from burning her face off. As confused as she was, she only shrugged. She stood, laughing at the Bennett witch's effort. "I thought the Bennetts were supposed to be powerful?" 

"This is funny to you? You trying to kill Bonnie is funny?"

Mina raised both of her hands, her magic bubbling up inside of her, ready to be released. She finally let go of her control and a wave of headaches crashed against Elyza. The impact forced her to her knees, an uncontrollable whimper sliding from her lips. The Mikaelson tried to bring forth a spell, but the pain in her head was keeping her from focusing enough to think of anything.

Mina's magic was releasing what felt like weeks of anger upon the heretic, and while she fought with everything she could, she just couldn't stop her.

Like clockwork, Mina's spell ceased. Kol wrapped her hand around her throat, squeezing. "Motis!" she cried out and the original slammed into the wall behind her. Elyza stood beside her husband, her eyes red as black veins spread from underneath them.

Mina chuckled, begging the heretic to approach her again.

"Enough of this!" Elijah yelled, flashing in front of Mina.

"Oh no!" Mina laughed sarcastically. "It's enough when Bonnie's hurt, huh? Is it not enough to have her leave the house you invited her into because you're scared of a bunch of baby vamps? It's not ever enough until a Mikaelson is affected."

Elijah put his hand in front of her. "Mina, stop this."

"No, Elijah!" Mina stepped forward. "Elyza, stop hiding behind your bitch-ass husband!"

Elyza pushed Kol out of the way, edging closer to Elijah's back. "Move, 'Lijah. She wants this again? Come get it!"

Elijah flashed over to Elyza snapping her neck and Kol's soon after. Standing over their temporarily dead bodies, he turned around. "I'm not sure what's going on, but whatever it is, you should find yourself lucky you are Bonnie's family."

"I'm the lucky one? I will fuck you up, Elijah."

Raising an eyebrow, the original stepped forward. "Then what are you waiting for? Go for it."

Footsteps started down the stairs. "Mina?"

The thought of Bonnie's friend catching her attacking the originals for a second time calmed her, deciding that Bonnie's friendship was more important to her than her vengeance. "You're one lucky guy."

Mina rolled her eyes and slid out of the house. Leaving the Manor before Henrik could confirm that was her.


It was safe to say that Bonnie Bennett felt like shit. She groaned as she rose, her eyes revealing a figure next to the window. "Klaus?" She called out, hoping it was him.

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