chapter twenty

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Warning: Y'all will be mad at me at the end of this chapter. 

Chapter Twenty

Bonnie smiled as she rolled over, frowning at the empty side of the bed. Sitting up, disagreeing with the sun shining violently in her face, she looked around for Klaus. While they both pretended that they weren't... seeing each other... behind closed doors, they normally at least woke up together. Or rather she would wake up while Klaus would spend the hours reading.

She slid from underneath the cotton sheets, slipping on the pajamas that had been discarded during their activities. Sliding on her slippers, she opened the creaky door and headed down the massive staircase.

"Is Klaus here?" Bonnie asked Elijah, having appeared at the bottom of the stairs as noble original started to make his way up. He glanced up from the papers in his hands, making his way to the second floor, single-handedly ignoring the Bennett witch. "I'll take that as a no."

Her slippers slid against the hardwood floor, directing her attention to the coffee maker in the kitchen. Ever since her... mishap a couple of weeks ago, she's ignored everyone who wanted to ignore her. "Klaus, you are here."

"I am," he started. "Elijah needed me for... nothing worth worrying you about. But I do apologize for leaving you to wake on your own."

"Ah," Bonnie started, having stopped listening soon after Elijah's name came up. For the last two weeks of their time in New Orleans, the original acted like he hated her more than usual.

"However," Klaus spoke, fixing the witch the cup of coffee he knew she came in the kitchen for. "I do think it's time for a formal tour. I know it's been hectic since we arrived.

Bonnie wanted to smile at the change, but she also couldn't shake Elijah's behavior. "Can you please tell me why Elijah's hatred of my very existence has peaked since we moved?"

Klaus looked up at her, expecting questions about the time of their departure, where they were going first, or even what should she wear, all questions he had gotten from her before. He didn't expect questions about her brother. "Mina attacked Elyza a couple of weeks ago."

"I know that part. Tell me the part I don't know."

Just like the earlier situations with Henrik, Klaus debated whether he should tell the truth. "She attacked because she thought Elyza had something to do with you being hurt and when I tried to stop her, she snapped my neck. In response, Elijah blames you for Elyza and Kol deciding to separate from the family."

Bonnie nodded slowly. "And you? Mina told me how close you and Elyza were... Do you blame me?"

"Absolutely not," Klaus replied instantly. "That... fight was unfortunate but someone had to push Elyza off the high horse she's been riding for centuries."

Bonnie's eyes widened. "Centuries? Just how long have they been married?"

Klaus paused, thinking about the answer before he gave it. "A little over five or six hundred years. Granted, Elyza separated from the family when Kol was daggered a century ago."

Nodding, Bonnie slowly took in the information. "H-"

"No more questions about the past," Klaus cut her off. "Go get ready for our tour. I'm sure you don't want to spend the rest of the morning locked up in this stuffy kitchen."


Bonnie smiled as she took in the city. There were people playing any and all types of instruments on the sidewalks, and people walking up and down the roads. She saw posters of different types of festivals that were obviously taking place quite soon. She didn't even notice it; however, when she turned around Klaus was walking a little behind her.

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