𝟎𝟎𝟔. flirty texts

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The school day was over already

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The school day was over already. It felt like the day just flew past. To my surprise as I stepped out my class Eva was waiting for me. She offered to walk with me to the bus stop. We had walked in a comfortable silence as we made our way through the school yard as her phoned had pinged notifying a message came right as we were about to speak. She was replying to it until Vilde abruptly called Eva's name. She stopped in-front of us and gave me a small smile before continuing her original train of thought.

"I don't know about you guys, but do you think Sana fits in our bus?" Eva replied with "Maybe she's a bit strict." Vilde argued back "She asked you to break up with your boyfriend!" I held back my opinion as I still hadn't given the girls a proper to answer on whether I was joining their bus. "But do you agree that she can't join our bus? I talked to Chris.." before Vilde could continue Chris came in "Hey! Sana was wondering something." 

I suddenly felt like an intruder to the conversation, so I retorted to removing myself from their talk as I wasn't apart of their bus. I muttered to Eva I'd wait for her by the tables and she nodded her head signaling she understood. Just as I had walked away and sat down I noticed Christoffer walking past the group, but not before uttering an "Hello!" to Eva in a flirtatious manner while his eyes raked over her body. He hadn't slowed his pace for her reply which meant he knew she'd be too flustered to reply. He hadn't noticed I was a few feet away or maybe he did and purposely ignored me. Whatever it was my heart hurt a little at the fact that he hadn't graced me with his charming smile and I hated that feeling.

Was I jealous? I had no reason to be Christoffer and I weren't even friends. We had two interactions that were completely meaningless. Then again two interactions could count us as acquaintances. I ruled it out as I was jealous because I though Christoffer and I were blooming a friendship. I had decided that maybe I should walk back into the conversation as Sana looked like she was about to lecture Eva and I couldn't miss that. "You said you didn't know anyone from '97?" Sana questioned. Eva's answer made me assume he was simply attracted to her, and that made my heart hurt a bit more. I ignored it and joined the conversation "Isn't he in a bus with William?" I pointed out. Playing off the fact that I didn't know Christoffer was the best way to ignore the feeling I felt. Sana nodded her head and Vilde responded "Is he?!" clearly excited by the new fact brought to the table.

"Who's William?" questioned Eva. Vilde was quick in her response "You don't know who's William?" Eva told a questioning no which led Vilde to a rant about William being one of the coolest guys in 3rd year which made it obvious that she had crush on him. I gagged at that thought. "That is William." Like straight out of a movie the wind picked up and William and his friends were leaving the school yard. I swore I could hear music playing as he walked. Everyone looked towards him. He looked towards us and I gave him a small smile. He ignored me and I rolled my eyes at that. William and I went to the same preschool weird that I remember, but it's hard not to remember when your parents are friends.

"Do you follow Chris on Instagram?" Sana asked. I now refused to be apart of the conversation as my heart was now aching at the sound of Chris' name. I blurted a bye to everyone and a sorry excuse to Eva as to why I had to go.

It was now Thursday and the week was flying by fast. I was standing with the girls out in the school yard where we were planning on hanging out soon the only person who was missing was Eva. Noora had decided we should make it a priority to become better friends if we were to be on a bus with the girls. I had made sure to tell her my decision was still undecided and she lectured I should give it a chance.

I was getting bored of the discussion being held, so my eyes naturally started to wonder until I spotted Eva rushing over to us. She looked overly excited about whatever news she had received. "Guess who's invited to party with the Penetrator guys!?" Vilde exclaimed out "Are you for real, Eva?" Noora and I exchanged an amused look. "Check it out." she proceeded to show us her phone. Chris grabbed her phone. Noora and I missed no chance to peep into her phone. The screen displayed Christoffer and Eva being very flirty in their messages. As soon as Noora had saw the name of the messenger she looked up to me with a dumbfounded expression. I mumbled in a low voice that Sana had Eva follow Christoffer and message him. As Chris read out the messages Noora dragged me to a table where we had a bit more privacy. The girls gave us weird looks and I could only shrug to answer all their question.

"Did I miss a few episodes as to why Eva and Penetrator Chris are flirting?" Noora demanded. I laughed at her curiosity. "Nothing really Noora love. Christoffer had spoken to Eva in-front of Sana and she had Eva follow him." I recalled. She gave me a stunned look and proceeded with what I assumed was a lecture. "Isn't it Chris and Amalie?" I snorted at Noora. "You're adorable Noora." I shut down any thoughts of me and Chris as it was just not right. He would fuck anything that moved if he had the chance. He wasn't boyfriend material and most importantly even if he wanted me it would never be enough to settle him from cheating. I told Noora we should return to the group before they thought we were gossiping about them and with that she agreed, so we returned to the group just as Sana walked away and a very frustrated looking Vilde. Chris was on the phone with the "beer man" and it was utterly funny as Chris tired to score free beer by requesting one of the girls would flash him. We all tried to contain our laughter in which we failed terribly.


How was this chapter? I believe this is the longest chapter I have done. I am having an internal battle on whether I should make my chapters longer to really capture the essence of all the dynamics i'm trying to show.

Don't forget to vote and comment and leave your opinion on the story thus far. That is all for not my lovely readersss

Love yourz,

𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐳𝐞 ; chris schistadWhere stories live. Discover now