𝟎𝟎𝟕. beautiful brunette

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The school day had flown by fast as it was now time to get ready for the party

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The school day had flown by fast as it was now time to get ready for the party. I had decided against going since I wasn't officially apart of their bus, but the girls had insisted that I had went as they considered me their friends and the message initially said bring your friends not your bus.

With that we settled on pregaming at my house and made the decision to walk as it was nothing more than a 20 minute walk from my house to the party. We had walked in the middle of street in a straight line Eva in the middle and I was to her left and Noora to her right. As we got closer to the house my nerves started to kick in and I couldn't understand why.

Christoffer had opened the door for us and Vilde was the first to walk in myself being last. His flirtatious look towards Eva definitely had not gone unnoticed. He had flashed me his infamous grin and rolled my eyes as I was disgusted by what I had seen earlier.

Entering the party some people had shown us looks of disgust, some ignoring our presence, and others looked at us like we were some kind of prey. Vilde had certainly catch William's eyes as he was staring at her like he could take her there. Oh God! Why'd I think of that I'm beyond repulsed by that thought. I'm sure I had made a face as Eva looked at me and laughed. I however couldn't get the thought out of my head and chills went up my spine.

Shaking off the thought I stood beside Noora, Eva and Vilde somehow our attention was drawn straight to the PepsiMax girls. I offered Ingrid a small smile in which she returned. I had only spoken to Ingrid a few times since the party she was still persistent on me joining her bus. I had shut down all of her advances which i'm sure she will become annoyed of very soon. Vilde had ran over to give them hugs and I could only feel bad for the girl as their facial expressions were not pleasant seeing her. I could tell they felt threatened by the presence of other girls being around as they may have assumed they would be the only first year bus there.

"Wasn't it them who threw her out of the bus group?" Eva had pointed out. Noora responded by saying "Wasn't it them who called you a slut?" Eva's face turned scared as she had obviously made a realization. She grabbed Noora and I closely as she pleaded with us "Don't go. I'll either get assaulted by Chris, or killed by those girls." By this time I was holding in a fit of laughter and Noora shared a grin on her face. The blonde assured her "Okay. I wont leave you." I let out a laugh then proceeded to comment "But I will. You guys want anything to drink? I'm heading to the kitchen." The girls shook their head stating that they were okay and I headed off to the kitchen.

I desperately needed to reach the kitchen. I was in need of something that would intoxicate me. Was I turning into an alcoholic? No. I've been to two parties and barely drank anything I'm completely fine. I'm just a first year student trying to fit in. That was my reasoning as to why I wasn't an alcoholic and I fairly liked it. Reaching the kitchen I headed straight for a red cup to fill it with an unknown liquor. The alcohol had a warm burning sensation as it went down my throat and it was somewhat satisfactory.

I decided to hid out in the kitchen for some while as the outside was too packed for my liking. Sitting on the kitchen counter while drinking the alcohol gave me a sense of comfort. My train of thought was soon interrupted as Christoffer was now standing in-front of me leaning against a table that held all the liquor. He initiated the conversation by a small hello. I gave him a smile then responded with "Hi Schistad." He rolled his eyes by his last name rolling off my tongue. I could tell it was playful, so I continued. "To what do I owe this pleasure of Christoffer Schistad standing in-front of me when he could be making out with a first year." He laughed and played along "Well my heart is certainly calling to find out the name of the beautiful brunette that is sitting before me." I bursted out laughing, but I knew he was serious about figuring out my name.

"You know my name that is obvious, but yet I don't know yours." He smirked. "Well what fun would it be if I made it easy for you?" I joked. He offered me his ridiculously attractive smile then looked at my lips and then to my eyes before saying "Well then my beautiful brunette I accept the challenge." He walked away before I could answer and I hated that he did this every time. My clever remark was once again only to be heard by mind.

I jumped off the counter and went looking for Eva and Noora. They weren't too hard to find as they were sitting on the couch I waved at them, but they obviously couldn't see me. Before I reached someone had stopped directly before me blocking my path to the girls. I examined the person in-front of me to who could easily be identified as a penetrator. He was wearing the penetrator hoodie with a long skinny jeans. He had wished to hold a conversation, but I rolled my eyes at him to which he clearly got the hint and moved out of my way.

The space was getting crowded and I began feeling nauseous, so I diverted from Noora and Eva and went straight to the door. Oh how that sucked! I spent about 5 minutes outside collecting my thoughts and cooling down, but was forced back inside by Vilde and William who were apparently going to "make out" Vilde's words not mine. I gagged at that thought then headed back inside to the girls. However I wished I stayed outside a little longer as Schistad was now flirting with Eva and Noora was trying to make her way to some place quieter. I stood in my place watching the event unfold until a loud gasp could be heard and my eyes searched through the crowd to find the scene. It was Sana and the PepsiMax girls. Sana stuck up her middle fingers at the girls and then rushed out the place bumping into me on the way out.

I hurried to follow behind her. I could tell the other girls were behind me. Ugh! What a night.


So maybe this is the longest chapter? Whichever it is I hope you guys are enjoying the long chapters so far. 

How do you guys feel about the scene Christoffer and Amalie shared. I'm definitely hoping to develop a bit of a friendship between the two before anything progresses. Alsooo a Chris chapter is coming soon, so you guys will understand a bit more on Chris' perspective.

That's all for now my lovely readers. Remember to vote and comment!!

Love yourz,

𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐳𝐞 ; chris schistadWhere stories live. Discover now