A stupid plan

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Y/N pov

"Hi mom, how's things going at home? All good? Yes yes. I'm fine. Yes the house I rented is lovely. No I haven't met anyone interesting...."

That was a lie on my part... can't tell her I met a diety in my dreams.... and that i'm planning on rescuing him.

"Yes, mom? No... no...
I'm eating healthy, Yes Yes okay bye bye"

*end of call*

What time is it? 10:15 pm.... it's not like I can do much..... I'm still pretty sleepy....

Hope he isn't that upset about the sudden end of our discussion....

I'll just go back to sleep

*a bit later*

"I'm back in the fucking building again"


"Hey I'm back, sorry for the interruption my mom called me"

He looked unfazed

"So as I was saying, I do plan on saving you."

.... I was hoping for some reaction

"That is a foolish thing" he sayd

"Why? It's not like I'm going to randomly knock at their doar, present myself as a wannabe maid and hope they don't call the police on me"

Oh actually it does sound like something I would do.

"To save me...?" His face was blank.

"Well yes, that was the idea" he looked like he didn't believe me

"So any insights on how to do that?"

At this point I'm getting used at the long silences.

"There are 2 guards watching me, every second. They don't take breaks often. I'm in a... glass sphere, bound here by a summoning circle"

Well that doesn't sound pleasant... what did I even expect to hear...

He goes on with every detail that he can remember, wich is all of them apparently. He goes on for another 20 minutes.

"I'm sorry you had to live like this for decades and for your friend"

He was really close with that bird...

"You weren't a part of it... why are you sorry?"

"I... don't know... empathy I suppose"

My head started to hurt a bit

"I'm not feeling that good"

"You must be tired, using your powers like this as an untrained dreamwalker."

That does make sense.

"Entering my space twice the same night might be too much for you, as well as every other thing you have done so far"

"Y-yea your probably right"

my vision becomes hazy, then nothingness

(Dream's POV)

As she collapsed, I caught her, resting her head on myself. Why did I di that? I could have just let her fall.

She is pretty to look at at least.

I brush a strand of hair from her face, the thoughts that cross my mind are: fragile, tiered and cute.

She dissappeared not long after

*time skip*

I woke up the next day, sort of confused. I don't really remember what happened, my memory is blurry. Reminds me of when I drink too much.

"What time is it?"

I can't find my phone. Oh it's 7:56. A bit early for summer.

What I need to today is to come up with a plan to save.


I literally fell asleep wile writing this. I can't hahahahha.

The man from my dreams {Morpheus x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now