Vampire Knight (Yuki x Zero)

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Yuki's POV:

I sprinted as fast as I could through the trees. Zero awaited me past these woods and I'd be damned if I let him down.

Zero had told me to meet him at the fountain in the middle of the campus at midnight. He gave no reasons or explanation. He simply just stated the place and time before walking away into the darkness.

So as soon as the clock struck eleven fifty I jumped out of my window, and sprinted towards the middle of the school campus.

But I was shaken out of my reverie by strong hands gripping my shoulders. I quickly spun around to see who it was and came face to face with dark brown eyes. Kaname.

The look of his face was curious as if he was trying to figure out why I was out at a time like this.

"Yuki, what are you doing out at a time like this," Kaname asked?

"Just doing nightly patrol, you know, the usual," I said.

These past few weeks, I had begun to feel less drawn to Kaname like I had in the past. I remember the days when I would flock to him like a fish to water, but all of that had stopped lately. I had found myself less pulled to him, and instead more pulled to Zero.

With this said, it made it more and more awkward to be around Kaname knowing that his intentions were anything but platonic. But I tried to suck it up, and remain friends with him even though our situation was anything but okay.

"Yuki, you know there's no patrol tonight, so what are you really doing?" he asked seriously.

" I just have something to do," I replied quickly before turning around and running back towards where Zero was.

I checked the watch on my arm as I once again began to sprint. Twelve. Damn it! I was already late.

I picked up my pace, and soon I finally reached my destination.

I slowly walked towards the fountain, and saw the tall, slim figure of Zero lingering in the shadows. Suddenly his violet eyes pierced me, and I felt myself drawn to him once again.

Once Zero saw me, he walked up to me in long, purposeful strides before stopping in front of me. He had a determined look in his eyes that could either be good or bad. I was hoping for the first.

I was genuinely surprised when his arms suddenly shot out and encased me in a hug. I stood in shock for a moment before placing my arms around him as well.

Z-Zero, what's wrong," I asked?

I could feel him sigh heavily, and pull away from me. I automatically missed the warmth that his body provided, but shoved that thought out of my mind.

"I have something important to tell you," he said huskily.

I nodded for him to continue before I saw him take a step closer to me making it so there was no space left between us.

Then he suddenly pulled me up for a tender kiss. I stood stiff for a moment before I melted into the kiss. His lips guided me in a gentle, passionate embrace as we let everything around us go fuzzy. It was just me and Zero in this moment, and there was nothing that could interrupt us. But we soon had to pull back because of the lack of oxygen.

I looked up at Zero with eyes filled with love, and wondered what he was thinking in this moment. Then he answered my question with three short words.

"I love you," Zero said quietly.

I quietly gasped at his blunt reply, but then quickly smiled, and hugged him again. I could feel Zero automatically relax at my touch, and I quietly whispered into his ear something that I will never forget.

"I love you too, Zero," I said happily.

Together at last. Through thick and thin. Through better or worse. We had found each other and ended up in the others' embrace. I wouldn't have it any other way/

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