Touch (Jerza)

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It'd been months after their wedding, and Jellal still hadn't kissed Erza once since before they had been announced husband and wife.

Of course, Erza didn't particularly enjoy it, but she told herself that she didn't mind.

When they talked, Jellal would scoot closer and his eyes would stare at hers intently, and sometimes their hands would brush, or maybe his would brush agains her thigh, but other than that, their contact was scarce.

Jellal often would blush if any contact was made, or if he walked in on Erza while she was in the shower, or getting dressed. His face would go to a shade that was blood red.

Erza didn't mind, though. She would hide herself for his sake and laugh. To her, his shyness was almost childlike. Even so, her husband was the love of her life, and she didn't mind it one bit.

But one day, Jellal went out, and didn't return home. He hadn't told his wife where he was or why he left. Erza had went out to search for him in a panic. So many things could have happened. The council could have arrested him, or so many people could have killed him.

She had walked into all the places, she had even got help from the guild. The search went on and on, and hours later, Cana had called her on the card she had given her.

"Erza, come to the bar..." She said calmly.

"Cana, I'm not drinking at a time like this!" The redhead had shouted into the card.

"No, it's Jellal... He's here." Erza had dropped the device and rushed out to the bar.

Jellal; the recovered alcoholic had finally relapsed.

She had known as to why he had drank before. He had all this guilt built up from the Tower of Heaven. But even so, he knew it was not his own fault, but Ultear's.

Tears had ran from her eyes as she burst through the door to find Cana, Lucy, and Natsu surrounding a, excuse the language, but shitfaced Jellal.

Tears fell from her face.

"I'm so sorry, Erza," he slurred.

She stiffened, "Do not say that, you had already apologized to me."


"No buts," she interrupted him, "If anything, you should apologize for getting this drunk. Come on. We're going home."

He stumbled forward into her arms as she turned around and apologized and thanked the three that had found him.

"I had expected more of you." She said softly.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"Stop apologizing." She frowns.

"I'm scared." He grimaces.

"Of what" her purple eyes gaze off into the night sky, as they head home."

"Of being close to you."

"Why would that make you scared?" She asked.

"I have hurt you before. I've hurt many people. I can't afford to lose my Erza."

The last two words swam around Erza's head as they finally stepped through their house.

She helped him into bed as best she could.

That night, as Jellal lay curled close to her, she couldn't sleep. It might have been because he normally would sleep at a respectable distance. Or maybe it was because of all the things he had said.

In his sleep, Jellal mumbled her name. This man; the same one who had caused suffering and hurt, had also caused happiness and joy in her heart.

Her eyes close as she drifts off into the dreamy abyss of sleep.


The morning arrives for the both of them, but varying degrees of pain. Erza's pain was in her chest, thumping hard, whilst Jellal's had been a hangover; covering up a darker pain in his mind.

"Eat up. You can't face the day with a hangover like that." She remarks snidely.

"I'm sorr-"

"Don't. Just eat."

The man looks back at his plate, then back to Erza. He slaps his hand on the table and stands up, pushing his chair out.

"Why are we like this?!" He yelled.

"You tell me, Jellal,"

"I just want... Us to be happy," he lowers his voice, "I want us to be carefree."

"Oh Jellal..." Erza trails off.

"We need to work this out. Something is obviously bugging the both of us." He says.

"Now tell me what yours is." Jellal stares deeply into the other mages eyes.

"You don't... We don't ever make contact." She quivered.

"Oh..." He trailed off.

"The last time we kissed was our wedding. We barely touch hands-"

He cuts her off, pressing his lips to hers. Her eyes stuck in a surprised look.

"Then I'll change that," he grunts, "I love you, Erza."

She closes them, and kisses him back.

The two mages slowly make their way to the bedroom, leaving a trail of clothes behind.

"Erza, are you... Sure?"

"Jellal, of course I'm sure."

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