Chapter 4: The Island of Enchantments 2

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The Pirate of the Demon Realm's ship finally docked at the Enchantment Island's port. The group of excited friends prepared to disembark, but not before having a fun exchange of dialogues.

Eda: (holding her pirate hat) Ah, solid ground! I hope this island is full of adventures and lots of potions, ahahahah!

Gus: (dizzy and holding his stomach) Yes, adventures and... arrrgh!... fun. But, could we do it without more seasickness on the ship next time?

Luz: (laughing) Oh, Gus, you should be like Hooty and not feel seasick. Right, Hooty?

Hooty: (appearing on Luz's shoulder) That's right! I don't have a stomach, so it doesn't affect me!

Willow: (looking around) Wow, this port is really beautiful. Look at those brightly colored houses.

Hunter: Yeah, it's like we've entered a fairy tale world. Although I hope the enchantments here aren't so... bothersome.

Amity: (smiling) Come on, Hunter, a bit of magic can always be exciting!

Lilith: (observing in the distance) And it seems there's a magical market right next to the port. We might find interesting things there.

Raine: (with a determined look) Remember, we need to stay focused on our mission to find information about the pink crystals. But I guess there's nothing wrong with exploring a bit.

Eda: (winking) Exactly! Let's dive into the magical chaos of this island and see what surprises we come across.

Amidst laughter and anticipation, the group of friends disembarked from the ship and ventured into the port of Enchantment Island.

Stepping off the ship, the group of friends felt excited to explore Enchantment Island. However, their excitement was interrupted when a very small individual sneaked up to them and stealthily stole Gus's crystal.

Amity: Hey, give that back right now!

Eda: (summoning her talisman) You won't get away with this, you little rascal! The rest of you stay on the ship, Luz and I will go after the bastard.

Luz: (exclaiming) Got it, Eda.

Amity: I'm coming too.

King: Me too.

Gus: (angry) Me too... Ughh!!!!!!

Luz: (Concerned) If you're feeling unwell, Gus, don't push yourself too hard. We'll go after him. Just rest.

Amity: Come on, guys, hurry!

Amity took out her talisman to chase the thief along with Eda and Luz, but Luz...

Luz: (trying to summon her talisman) Come on, frigol, help us... Zzz...

Luz's talisman seemed to be deeply asleep, which made Luz enchanted by its adorableness. Without a second thought, she decided to climb on top of Amity's talisman, seeking a better view for the pursuit.

Luz: Ohhhh! I can't wake it up. Amity, wait! Let me ride on your staff!

Amity: Luz, be careful! Don't fall!

Luz: Don't worry, Amity! I'm like Eda when she's with Raine, I won't let go even with abominations grabbing my feet!

Eda (blushing and annoyed): Hey!!

Luz: (excited) Come on, Amity, full speed ahead!

Meanwhile, King decided to climb onto Eda's hair, looking for a better position for the chase.

Eda: (exclaiming) King, be careful! You can't just grab onto a lady's hair like that.

King: (exclaiming) For the love of titans, Eda, you've endured worse things.

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