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I think we all saw this coming. 

It's pretty obvious that It's been a while since I updated my books.

That is why I regret (and even a bit nervous putting this out) to announce that I will be putting my books on pause for a while once again.

The reason is because my second year of college has started. Since Aug 18 to be exact.

Now I know and admit that I said that I will be uploading one more time for my HP FF, but when the day my college started, as days go by my writing started to slow down while the guilt inside of me not uploading was building up.

I felt guilty that I couldn't upload, especially when I finally had the time in the summer to write more.

I am sorry for breaking the promises that I have made, and I admit to that.

If you are upset, I understand and I'm sorry. There is no excuse.

You (my readers, followers, and supporters) really didn't deserve this kind of treatment from me.

I know what that feels like because I've seen and experienced authors just leaving their books without any announcements.

And I hated that. I was becoming one of them, leaving you all.

You've all been waiting patiently, and I didn't deliver what I was supposed to do when I finally had the chance to update.

I took advantage of your kindness for my delays and I'm sorry.

I will not be making excuses because it's my fault for not managing my time to write and upload.

I will DO better. I promise.

Once again, I am sorry for disappointing my followers and readers. Sorry for wasting your time and effort waiting for more updates for my books. Sorry for hyping up the next chapter and taking a long time for me to update my books.

That is shitty of me and I'm sorry.

Once again, I'm sorry.

Before I end and I will be seeing you once again on my next summer, I didn't want to leave you all on a bad note and without showing my gratitude.

I would just like to say THANK TO ALL OF YOU for the love and support to all my books. (Even though I was inconsistent)

To this day, you all are still the reason as to why I continue to write. They always bring a smile to my face seeing you all loving my books story and plot.

I enjoy the comments you leave, theories and reactions. You don't know how much I was filled with joy that every single one of you waited patiently for me to update my books and to see you all still here enjoying them.

Thank you all.

Truly, thank you for sticking around for so long.

With that being said, I am nervous to say this, but...

My names BVF999 signing off and will be coming back stronger than ever.


PS: If you have any questions, I will gladly answer them here or privately. 

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