The Colonial War II- Sonic's Interference

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*Sonic's POV*

As Sally and I reach the peak of the mountain We had been traversing, the rising sun greets our fascinated eyes

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As Sally and I reach the peak of the mountain We had been traversing, the rising sun greets our fascinated eyes. Sunset city surely has the most beautiful scenery I've ever feasted my eyes on. We had been hiking up this mountain for a few days now. It's kinda like honeymoon without being a couple being with Sally up there. We WERE with a camping partners but, they gave in a long time ago. Up the mountain, the air is thin, it's cold and most of all, snowy.
"I've enjoyed our little adventure Sonic. It's way better than in the castle", Sally lets out. "Fun fact; I haven't been out of that kingdom in years."
"YEARS!?!?!?!!?!", I ask in a loud tone causing the birds to fly off the trees of the forest below us. "Woah. Slow down. I usually send someone to do it for me." She continues. "That doesn't make things better!", I reply to her statement. The sun continued to rise and it I decided to take a picture just before it could shine over the fields behind the mountain. I look back, and see a huge shockwave coming towards us at break-neck speed, NO, SONIC speed. I figured it's not faster than me but, it was pretty fast, even for me.
In a flash, I pick up Sally and sprint to the absolute edge of the mountain. I stop in an instant as I realize, "We might die if we go down there!", Sally finished my thought. I glance at her as we share a glance. This ain't no romance! I take a leap and dash down the mountain while sliding too. Before I knew it, I was launched into the air and was about to break my neck on the upcoming slope. Before I can make contact, I levitated in the air. I looked up and saw Sally levitating too. Beside her, Silver looked down at me. "Let's go! We don't have time!", he exclaims. It's not like I can control myself, so, I end up looking at him in confusion. "What do you mean!? Wait, watch out!", is all I can say before I'm launched further than the amount of area I can cover In a few seconds (over 500km!). I fall down the branches of the same forest below the mountain, tumbling on the grassy ground.

*Shadow's POV*
As the main control room blows up, I'm launched down the hall towards the lift. Eggman, surprisingly got knocked out cold. I look to my left, a fire alarm sets off and water is sprayed everywhere. But, something is wrong about the water. It looked... Green... And smelled, to say the least, toxic. As that dawns my brain, the fire grows even stronger. It turns green and bright until it hits something causing an explosion. My skin slowly starts to burn and turn light. My body hurts as though a Septillion needles are puncturing my body to a deflated paste. All I can do now is hope I have enough energy to pull out my chaos emerald and control myself out of there. My world soon turns to black.

*Tails' POV*
"I don't know how you do it, but, this technology is amazing!", Jules exclaims as he walks into the cockpit. "Jules, I need your help. Immediately.", I reply right after his compliment. "Oh. Sorry for my excitement. I can't help it.", Jules says in a tone that is constantly lowering it's pitch. "What do you say we stop these guys.", I said. "Well, that's what we're here for, I mean-", is all he could say before I stopped his speech. "We have to get on that Ark, now. And you're gonna do it". "Wha- I can't- *sigh*, Don't look at me like that... *sigh*, I'll do it", Jules reassured me. "Ok here's the plan...", I tell him.

Time skip.
*Jules' POV*
After telling me an amazing plan, I make my way into the tiny warehouse Tails somehow managed to make. He shows me, my own battle jet, equipped with top of the art ammunition and razor sharp edges making it look slick, fast and most of all, aerodynamic. He then shows me how to fly it, in a flash, as it had, old-ish mechanics, much that I am comfortable with. We run down the plan again. I get each word for word. I turn on the engines as the launch gates fly open. Tails then starts a countdown from ten to one. As he states one, my jet flies so fast that, the old speedometer had it's hand at the bottom right. Of course, they were knots, the international way of stating them. As I get closer, it seemed like I was undetected. The SPA had no reaction to me approaching, at Mach speed. I entered into some sort of force-field around the Ark. Just then, the huge CANNON shaped that of Eggman's nose, points at me. I, veer around and about to find out if I'm really on edge or its just a coincidence. The latter could not have been more wrong. It followed all my movement and continued to light up with energy. I contacted Tails but, the force-field made the connection worsen. Time for the plan C. I'm on my own. Maybe for good because-the-cannon-is-about-to-blast-me!!! Before I know it, my jet is hit with a toxic green wave of some sort of chemical. I cover my arms around my face as I try to defend my eyes. As the green ooze showers my jet, I can't help but almost cry. I've lost everything... But, nothing happened. In fact, the ship was unsratched. Until...

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