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Her alarm once again reminded her it was the start of another week of work at the beautiful training grounds for the FC Barcelona team. As her usual routine Nicolle makes her way into the connected bathroom to make herself presentable for work with some light make-up along with her work ponytail and uniform.

Her bag was prepared the night before when they came back from dinner so the morning would not be a big rush. She just added the main essentials in the morning such as her laptop, phone, chargers, and whatever else is required for her to get through the day.

She was noted in advance that today she must work with the players to take a quick measurement of their height and weight to add to their report.

Once she was ready she made her way downstairs as per usual to be greeted by her two brothers and the smell of Fernando's cooking he prepared for his younger siblings.

"Morning" she mumbled walking to her spot and beginning to enjoy her meal as she heard her brothers greet her back.

Today's morning was perusal where the siblings sat on their phones enjoying their meal before heading off to work for the day. Of course, Fernando finished first having to leave the house earlier.

Once Nicolle and Pedri finished eating their food they made their way into his car and drove towards the training grounds, on the way she was starting to prepare her work for the small height and weight checks.

Pedri complained that he shouldn't have to do it as she already knew his height and weight but she refused and said despite him being her brother he still had to have it done. But she did promise to have him go first to just finish with him. She chuckled hearing her brother continuing to rant on.

Once they arrived, Pedri parked in his usual spot while Nicolle got her pass ready to enter the building, the siblings walked together before as perusal parting ways to their places.

She arrived at her office and immediately placed her bag down getting ready for the small medical check-up as Xavi still wanted to have the rest of the day to train the players knowing they had some important games coming up.

She picked up her iPad, clipboard, and pen before taking a few steps just to the room next door where Pedri was already waiting for her along with some other players. She smiled as she placed her things down and set up the machine.

"Ok I'll just be checking your height and weight as requested by Xavi and after I am done you can head to training" Nicolle stated motioning for the first player to have a step on the machine.

She checked her brother's height while the machine on the other hand calculated his overall weight, the process took no more than 2 minutes but she did have to write it down on her clipboard to help fill in about the player's medical reports.

He stepped down and looked at the machine to understand his weight followed by giving his little sister a small but tight hug before he rushed out to the training grounds. She smiled as she motioned for the next player continuing the same procedure again and again.


"Right thank you Raphinha you're all set to go" Nicolle stated while finishing writing down her collected data. He was the second last player to get checked, the last player was Pablo himself.

It's been six days since the dare has been set and since yesterday he has been having some weird feelings, one too many thoughts running through his head about Nicolle, he himself also feels bad that he forgot to text her yesterday but he keeps asking himself why, why should he feel bad?

Just a Dare to You ★ Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now