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𝖥𝖺𝗅𝗅𝖾𝗇 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝖸𝗈𝗎


Nicolle sat in her office looking through emails. For her today was more of a chilled day as she finished work earlier, as well given the fact that not a lot was given to her to finish.

Besides it was near lunchtime anyway for her, she had been watching a series that left her on a cliffhanger and they just released new episodes which she was more than excited to watch during lunch and find out much more about the plot.


When the two siblings made their way inside as perusal Pablo was standing just outside the locker room. He saw his best friend and his sister, but he had his eyes fully fixed on the girl making a turn towards her office

He didn't acknowledge the multiple 'hellos' from Pedri until he got nudged on the shoulder by him.

But today Xavi decided to give the players an earlier break as he wanted to have more time to train, he wanted to bring the training to the time when the sky turns a pastel orange and reflects with the clouds. Despite Nicolle loving the shimmer of the white specks in the sky she much enjoyed the sunsets that were present in Barcelona.

Knowing about the spot she went to with Pablo on their last date, she came back one late afternoon and watched the sunset alone, enjoying the warm breeze and noises of the busy city in the distance.

Of course, she told her brothers all about it, and Pedri's next move when he spots his friend is to tell him because both Pedri and Ansu know that in order to have Nicolle accept the proposal of being Pablo's girlfriend he needs to show that he took a full interest in her and what she likes as a person, which can honestly not be expressed enough.

"So when are you asking her to be yours 'officially' Ansu asked using air quotes on the last word keeping his attention on Pablo keen for a hopefully acceptable answer.

"Uhm, after her birthday I suppose" The boy hadn't had a proper thought about it until now, it was crazy to believe that this would end in just over two weeks' time. But something deep inside of him doesn't want to.

Just as the conversation was flowing about the girl, she made a presence in the cafeteria to grab her food.

She made her way to pick up her food without realizing that three pairs of eyes watched her movement but only one pair burned through her skin. His eyes followed her movement, her motion, her soft smile when waving to some of the players who greeted her.

Then she made her way to the lady behind the counter ordering her lunch for the day. Pablo continued to watch until the girl turned around, he looked back at his food and then caught the glances of his friends sitting across the table.

"Why were you starting for that long?" Pedri asked keen to understand.

"Observing and taking notes" He shot back, surprised he was able to answer the question with speed.

His friends shrugged their shoulders and all three moved onto another topic of interest to them, letting the break time pass before making their way back to the field.


Why do I feel the need to see Nicolle so soon

Why are my thoughts on her

Why is this happening

Pablo was out at training and all his mind could focus on was the thought of Nicolle that it wasn't enough that he didn't speak a word to her, he wanted to hear her soft voice and admire her soft smile

Just a Dare to You ★ Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now