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𝖠 𝖲𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗈 𝖢𝗋𝗒 𝗈𝗇


Nicolle had arrived home, she wasted no time in exiting the car and running for the front door. She opened it to be greeted by Fernando who was sitting on his phone. He didn't look up until he heard her burst into full tears, once again, and sliding down the door burying her face in her hands just letting it all out.

She had been holding the urge to cry all the way on the ride home and now she was able to just let it all out.

Her brother heard her, he dropped his phone, not caring that it bounced off the sofa and onto the ground as he rushed over to her immediately, wrapping his arms around her trying to get her to take deep breaths and calm down. He himself barely saw his sister in such a state and it was obvious he never wanted to see her like this. But he did want to understand why she would come home in such a state when she had only been at work.

"Nic what's wrong, why are you crying?" He asked, watching as his sister took deep breaths keeping her breathing steady before speaking, trying to not burst into a waterfall of tears yet again.

"I had my feelings played, and I was hurt." She managed to let out, of course, she had to elaborate more in which she took some more deep breaths before starting to spill the whole situation to her brother.

She spoke about almost everything while breaking down a couple of times but still managed to get every single detail out, even how their own brother was in on it. She did not miss out on an ounce of detail. Meanwhile, Fernando just sat next to her listening and taking in the information being shared.

"Shh, Nicky, they are idiots and Pablo doesn't deserve you at all. Please don't let this get to you, you shouldn't waste any last tear on him okay?" Fernando spoke, building with fury inside after what he just heard. He was shocked to hear that her own boyfriend who actually wasn't even her boyfriend to begin with, did such a thing, but more shocked to hear that their own brother would join in on such a thing, that he allowed his friends to do this to their own sister.

"Why don't you shower and relax in your room, I'll have a talk with Pedro and will be up with some food, yeah?" He spoke softly, still holding his sister tight in a hug. They stayed in such a position, waiting for the girl to gather her breath and calm down, she just needed a few minutes to gather herself, and after those few minutes, Fer stood up helping his sister up and walking with her up to her room.

As they entered her room, Nicolle went straight to her closet to find some comfortable clothes to change into after she took a long hot shower. Fernando stated to call him if anything. The girl shot him a soft smile before he closed the door and made his way downstairs to wait for their brother to appear at the door. He never wanted to see his sister in such a state ever, but how could that be avoided when such an event just happened?

When she thought someone who loved her

Actually just played her


Nicolle stepped out of the shower feeling refreshed, her eyes were still red and puffy, she didn't bother to do her night routine and just crawled into her bed browsing through her Netflix to find a movie or TV series to watch.

Pedri, on the other hand, took no time in wasting, making his way home, despite him living near the stadium it shouldn't have taken him that long, but the traffic of the city said otherwise, which wasn't perfect for him during this moment.

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