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𝖲𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖬𝗎𝗌𝗍 𝖻𝖾 𝖲𝖺𝗂𝖽


"You need to tell me what" she questioned

Pedri looked at Pablo, while Pablo stood frozen, Nicolle did have a serious face but she did look really tired as well.

"Uhm, you are tired so you must have misheard, why don't you get some rest" Pablo spoke, pushing her to sit down on her bed. Nicolle looked over her shoulder confused as to what was going on.

But she did believe him as she was exhausted and she must have misheard, once she reached her bed she crawled in and went right to sleep, having to make the two boys walk out of the room with care not to further disturb her.

"Look Pedri, I will try to find a way to tell her, let me tell her ok, that's what I was trying to explain to you" Pablo spoke immediately as they stepped into Pedri's room, it stopped Pedri in his tracks and turn to face Pablo

"Fine, but try to do it before Monday or if you do Monday, before Ansu comes" Pedri spoke softly.

Pablo smiled and placed his hand on his friend's shoulder, he knew that he had to try before Monday before it would be seen to be too late. It was a close call with Nicolle earlier.

If anything she should be told when she feels better and is in a more calm mood, telling her then would have been more of a disaster and it would be better to speak without Fernando around. If she does feel better by tomorrow, Pablo would give an attempt to ask and bring up the topic.

Pedri had finished setting up the little bed next to him, Pablo thanked him and crawled into the sleeping bag, plugging in his phone into the charger provided by his friend before going to sleep with the thought lingering in his mind.


The following morning approached a day closer towards the end of the four weeks since the making of the dare. Nicolle woke up feeling better the she did, she smiled as she made her way towards the bathroom to get herself ready, Fernando did mention that it would be nice to go for a breakfast together

If she did feel better towards the afternoon, her brothers would let her enjoy the afternoon with her boyfriend.

Pedri had woken up as well but was sitting on his phone in his room, he wanted to have a distraction to get rid of the thought, he could trust Pablo to tell, he knew he could but he just had to stop thinking deeply about it, because the more he did the worse it became for him.

He wanted to wait for Pablo to wake up as well, if he didn't in the next few minutes then Pedri would have to wake him up as Pablo can be a heavier sleeper at times, one of the reasons he comes late to practices sometimes.

Nicolle had finished in the bathroom so she decided to make her way down towards her oldest brother, whom she barely saw as much yesterday. He didn't cook breakfast, instead, he was dressed and waited for Pablo and Pedri to show themselves so they could make their way to the restaurant.

Just around a good 20 to 25 minutes later, both boys walked down the stairs, chatting, without noticing Nicolle standing at the bottom with a rather unpleasant look on her face. Pedri took a glimpse at her and realized her anger as they were already 5 minutes late for the reservation at a rather busy breakfast restaurant.

"You both took too long, and we are late, we should be called lucky if they even continue to hold the table for us" She spoke, both boys apologized as they followed after her.

Just a Dare to You ★ Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now