chapter V

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— daylight !chapter five ; studying

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daylight !
chapter five ; studying...


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THE CORRIDOR IS A SEA OF WELTON STUDENTS MAKING THEIR WAY TO THEIR CLASS. I clutch my books to my chest, careful not to drop them.

"Emmeliah!" a voice calls from behind. Neil catches up to me, holding his books by his side.

"Good morning, Neil," I say.

He smiles, "Good morning."

With a moment of silence in between, he adds: "Would you like to study in my room tonight? Todd will be with James again."

"Yeah, sure," I say after thinking for a moment. "I've still got some chemistry homework I need to finish."

"Great, I'll see you at five o'clock, belle," he says and, with one last smile, walks into the classroom.

I stand just outside the doorway, blushing profusely. I still never get used to that nickname, no matter how many times he calls me belle.

"'See you at five o'clock, belle,'" Renee teases, walking up to me. I snap out of my daydream to turn to her. She stands with a smirk on her face, and Charlie's arm around her shoulder. Charlie's face has a similar expression, but more smug.

I push her shoulder. "Shut up." I walk inside the classroom, sitting down in my usual spot. Neil smiles at me, setting his pencil down.

Charlie catches his attention, and the two begin talking. Renee is still looking at me, smirking. "I though I told you to stop," I say with a chuckle.

Keating then walks into class, taking my, and the rest of the class's, attention.

"A man is not very tired, he is exhausted," he says, strolling up one of the aisles. "And don't use 'very sad,' use— Come on, Mr. Overstreet, you twerp." Keating clicks and points at Knox.

✔︎ DAYLIGHT, neil perryWhere stories live. Discover now