Perfect Ending - MrMitch361

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It's going to be a pretty busy day and you were already a bit tired from the day before. In the morning you went out shopping with a friend then to a movie after which you had a doctor's appointment for a physical. Doctors were not your forte' due to bad experiences from childhood so being within twenty feet of a hospital gave you a bit of anxiety. You only needed to get a quick physical then get out.

You had just arrived in the doctor's office, patiently waiting in the lobby before being called back. Scrolling through twitter while you waited seemed to occupy your mind for a while. Right as you were about to put your phone away you got a text from Mitch.

Mitch: Hey babe you finished at the doc's yet?

"Y/n the doctor will see you now." The nurse at the front desk called out from the door that led to the exam rooms. Before you walked back you replied quickly to his text.

Y/n: No they just called me back I should be done soon.

You got to the exam room waiting for the doctor to walk in then your phone buzzed again.

Mitch: I know you don't like doctor's that much but try not to psych yourself out too much okay? I'm going out for a bit w/ a friend but when you finish come by my place I want to see you

A wide grin played on your face as you read the last part to yourself in your head. Hopefully this checkup wouldn't be too bad. It's not like you needed to get shots or anything. You took his advice and calmed down just in time for the doctor to come in.

Not even fifteen minutes passed before you were walking out of the hospital to the car. Things went pretty smooth nothing major happened and you had a clean bill of health. A little bit of a drive later you pulled up to Mitch's house. His truck wasn't in the driveway, no one's car was for that matter. You figured nobody was home yet but you decided to go in anyway. You turned off your car, getting out then jogged up to the front door taking the spare key from under a garden ornament that they always hid by the door.

After unlocking the door and going into the house you looked around to see if anyone could possibly be there.

"Hello, anyone home?" You called out, but the only response you got was from their family dog who had come running to you excitedly. You went down to Mitch's room sitting on his bed to text him.

Y/n: I'm in your house but no one seems to be home I'll just wait in your room till you come back

He didn't seem to text back right away so he was most likely busy. You laid back on his bed while scrolling through social media and watching Netflix eventually falling asleep.

Meanwhile, Mitch had been out with a couple of his friends to celebrate recently graduating and hitting 100k subscribers on YouTube. He had been vlogging throughout the day as part of a special thank you to put up on his channel. At the moment Mitch was capturing the scenery of his city while he drove home. After recording a bit of it he didn't vlog again until he got into his neighborhood.

"Okay, I'm at home now and I see my girlfriend's car in the driveway which is a bit surprising since I don't think I got a call from her... Did I?" He kept the camera up on his face while he grabbed his phone to see a notification light up on the screen. "Oh she texted me that's why," He chuckled rather loudly to himself.

"And before you guys go crazy in the comments, yes I do have a girlfriend if you haven't figured it out by now. I actually hinted at it in a cube episode a while back." He spoke to the camera while taking off his black sunglasses leaving them in his truck before he got out to get inside the house.

"Yeah um that's part of this special surprise I guess, telling all of you about her." Mitch closed the door behind him then paused to see if you were around.

"Babe?" He yelled out for you, looking away from the camera to try to hear your response. "Y/n, baby you here?" Again no reply since you were still sleeping in his room.

"I know she's here I just don't hear her. Maybe she's sleeping. But uh yeah, hope you guys liked this little vlog for today I tried to do as much stuff as possible to make it interesting. Once again thank you so much for getting me to one hundred thousand subs on YouTube that really means a lot and I cannot seem to thank you all enough." He walked about the home aimlessly while recording before he got the idea to go to his room. His voice lowered to somewhat of a whisper as Mitch listened for you.

"Kay, I think Y/n is sleeping in my room and I want to show you guys something that she does when she's asleep that I think is really really cute." Mitch opened the door to reveal you sleeping soundly.

"Whenever my girlfriend is asleep she'll cuddle the closest warm thing to her, doesn't matter what it is she will just latch on and not going to lie it's so adorable to me." He whispered while setting the camera down on a table in his room and angling it to his bed. A second later he appeared in shot putting his finger over his lips indicating to stay quiet. Mitch crawled into bed a little ways away from you. Almost immediately you feel the body heat coming off of Mitch and get closer cuddling him. He looked over at his camera mouthing 'see I told you' to it.

Mitch kissed your forehead and your eyes fluttered open once he said your name.

"Wait when did you get here?" You asked while looking up at him.

"I just got home," he told you, "wave hi to everyone I'm vlogging today and now you're in it." He pointed to the camera and you subsequently blushed hiding your face in the curve of his neck then you waved your hand.

"Give a thumbs up if you enjoyed it lets me know that you guys enjoy these types of videos and I might do more of them. Bye everyone!" He waved with you.

"Bye!" You said after him with your hand covering half your face. Mitch chuckled kissing you then got up to turn off the camera.

"That right there will be the ending to my video. It's perfect," he sounded more than happy.

"Why perfect?" You were curious and his answer wasn't much but it made your whole day better.

"Because you're in it."


Hey all you lovely peeps! I just wanted to do this in honor of Mitch hitting 100k recently and someone really wanted a Mitch imagine xD Hope you all enjoyed.

Stay awesome <3

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