Babysitter - Pokediger1

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"I can't believe you're doing this to me, it's totally embarrassing!" You raised your voice to your father who walked around the house to grab his briefcase.

"Y/N he really isn't that bad," he tried to counteract, "plus I don't need you throwing wild house parties while I'm stuck in business meetings all day and your mother is away on vacation."

You crossed your arms angrily dropping onto the couch, giving your father a pointed glare. He didn't even acknowledge you as he continued to scramble gathering his things. The doorbell rang and you knew who it was. The babysitter. "Could you get that please, sweetie? I'm just looking for my keys," your father asked.

"Yeah whatever," You reluctantly got up, stomping your way over to the door unlocking it, "The last thing I need is to open the door for some creepy old guy that is supposedly babysi-..." Your mouth stopped moving immediately once you saw the boy standing in front of you. He looked to be about your age with a small curly fro. His brown eyes match his hair, as he scanned your shocked face. "Cat got your tongue?" He chuckled, holding out his hand for you to shake.

"You can't be serious!?" You left him standing there with his hand still outstretched as you turned around yelling to your father. "He's the same age as me is this a joke? It's like a new boyfriend not babysitter."

"I don't see a problem with it. Now you two have a good time, and no funny business Y/N." He ruffled up your hair then rushed out the door. The boy you had only met moments ago came in standing in front of you. "Uh, well my name is Zack by the way. Nice to meet you I guess," He looked around the foyer sheepishly to avoid direct eye contact with you. You did nothing but stare at Zack from head to toe studying every part of him that you could.

He was cute and all, but you couldn't understand why your father had picked him to watch over you. His eyes finally met yours and you took the moment to grill him further. "How do you know my father?" You questioned.

"I interned for him earlier this summer... Look before you get weirded out I'm just as shocked as you are. I thought when he said babysit his daughter I thought you were like five not the same age as me." He hurriedly confessed. You walked around him slowly in a circle just to seem a bit more intimidating.

"Alright I believe you, now leave." You demanded opening the front door back up. "Wait, what?" Zack shook his head confused, "I can't leave yet I'm meant to keep an eye on you."

"Yeah there's no point and on top of that I don't care!" You grew impatient with the situation. Before you could fully take in what was happening the door slammed shut and both of your dainty wrists were being held above your head in one of Zack's hands, your back pressed against the wall. "I told you I'm not leaving yet." His voice lowered as the warmth of his breath could be felt on your ear. "You're stuck with me until someone comes home," the corners of his mouth turned up into a smirk and you knew you were in for trouble. You didn't mind because trouble interested you and this boy just made things a lot more entertaining. Your breathing hitched in your throat as Zack still had you pinned against the wall with his face dangerously close to yours.

"Okay fine, you can stay, but you have to throw me a house party." You proposed. Zack let go of you to take a few steps back, probably puzzled by what you just suggested. "We can't do that. You aren't allowed to have any more parties on my watch."

"What do you suggest we do then?" You kept your gaze on him as he had nothing better to say in return. "Party it is!"

A couple hours later and the home was already filled with flashing black lights, face paint, and hormonal teens. Zack had stayed right by your side the entire time somewhat like a bodyguard but as the night went on he loosened up. Some of your friends started playing chicken in the living room and you wanted to join in. You got up on Zack's shoulders with him cheering like you both were about to go into battle.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Your father burst through the door with an angry look on his face. You instantly jumped off of Zack's shoulders as the music turned down. "Sorry we just got a tad carried away," you attempted to explain. "I told you no more parties and you didn't listen," Your father was absolutely furious. Zack stepped in by your side to help, "I let her do it, she was a bit bored and it got a little out of control that's all."

"No I want you out. All of you get out of my home!" Your father screamed at everyone in the house.

All of your friends began to file out of the house as you sat on the front steps outside watching them leave. Your face was in your hands when you thought everyone was gone, but not everyone. There was a hand placed on your shoulder and you looked up to see Zack.

"I'm sorry about all of this Y/N," he apologized.

"No it's my fault, I'll probably be grounded for a thousand years now." You exaggerated with a weak smile.

"Well I hope this can make up for it." Zack leaned in to kiss you and you welcomed him gladly. You heard your father clear his throat from behind you and Zack pulled away. "I'll see you around Y/N." He waved before walking away.

Zack was the babysitter you never wanted, but nonetheless you were happy you had him.

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