Day 9: Walling - Tofuudiger

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"Come on," Zack says, dragging Joe down an empty hallway. There's a small room, mostly empty except for a few chairs, and the two of them slip inside. Zack kisses him as soon as the door is shut behind them. Zack kisses rough, all teeth and tongue and his fingers pressing hard enough into Joe's skin that he thinks they might leave bruises.

Grabbing Joe by the sleeves of his jacket, Zack slams him up against the nearest wall, Joe's shoulder blades banging against the concrete painfully.

"Ah! Shit," Joe exclaims angrily. "What are you doing, you asshole?"

"Turn around," Zack commands. His face is serious, though Joe thinks he's joking at first.

"What?" he spits, looking Zack up and down.

"Turn around," Zack repeats.

Joe shrugs Zack's hand off his shoulder. He turns to face the wall, feeling like a kid who's been put in time out. It's good he's facing away from Zack; now the older boy won't be able to see the how intensely he's blushing at least.

"Put your hands on the wall," Zack says. His hands are resting on Joe's waist, but this all still feels like some kind of weird punishment.

"What?" Joe says. He already feels ridiculous, facing directly into the wall like this.

"Will you stop saying that? Fuck, it's like you're new at this," Zack says, annoyed. "Put your hands on the wall, I'm going to fuck you, from behind. Is that clear enough?"

Zack has always pissed him off, but with an angry huff of breath, Joe obeys. He lifts his hands level with his face and places his palms flat against the wall.

"Good," Zack says. "I wish you'd frickin' listen to me the first time I ask you to do something. Your senpai must hate you."

Joe clicks his tongue against his teeth with disdain. What does he care what Zack thinks about anything, really? Zack's chest presses flush to Joe's back, kissing his neck and scraping his teeth along the skin. Zack is warm against him, and Joe can feel that he's already half-hard. Joe squirms, his forehead pressed to the wall between his hands, but Zack holds him tight with his arms wrapped around Joe's chest.

"Do you want to do this, or what?" Zack asks, lifting his mouth from Joe's skin. "Because it seems like you're a little hesitant. We don't have to."

"No, I want it," Joe says. Really, he's never had better orgasms in his life than the ones he's had with Zack. Joe didn't always like the way Zack did things, but he definitely got the job done, and then some.

"Hm," Zack mutters, a little irritated, into his skin as he bends to lick at it again.

Zack strips the hoodie off first, throwing it on the ground a few feet away. Joe shakes his head at the sight of it, crumpled up on the floor, getting wrinkly when they both know he has to wear that home. Next is Joe's shirt, then Zack makes him put his hands back on the wall before reaching around to undo the belt of Joe's pants and let them fall down to Joe's ankles. Only once the two of them are both naked, their clothes in piles around them, does Zack resume touching him.

Zack's cock is hard already, and it rests tantalizingly against Joe's ass. He bites and sucks little marks into the skin of Joe's back, rutting a little against Joe as he does so. Joe tries to take his hand off the wall, to reach down and do something, to touch Zack, to touch himself, something, but Zack's hand grabs his wrist roughly and pushes his hand back against the wall.

"Don't," Zack says. "Do not. Do not take your hands off this wall."

"You're crazy," Joe says. "What makes you think you can –"

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