Chapter Eleven | Why did the new ice hockey player not perform well?

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Angel Huxley Novak

The gym door swings open, revealing Eros already present at exactly 6am. His dedication to his schedule is something I'd been warned about.

"You're late, Doctor Huxley," he remarks, zipping up his gym bag after retrieving a water bottle. I roll my eyes playfully and shove my own bag to the side of the gym.

"Give me a break, I'm only two minutes late."

He raises an eyebrow, his expression unamused. "Have they not informed you about my obsession with punctuality?"

"Oh, trust me, Eros Candreva, I've heard all about it," I chuckle. "Now, shall we get to work on that strain you've been nursing?"

He nods his head and I grab two mats from the wall and settle them in front of the mirror, "okay first stretch." I kneel onto my right knee and put my left foot in front of me such that my left knee is at 90 degrees. Eros copies my movements, and we inhale and slide our right knee out to the side and back.

He groans and settles back down onto his back, facing the ceiling.

"Does it hurt?" I ask him.

He sits up, shaking his head before getting back into the position.

He's lying, its supposed to hurt.

We change our positions, we kneel onto our left leg and place our right foot in front of us to assume the lunge position. We then slide our right foot out to the side and place both hands on the floor in front of us.

Eros jokes around and begins doing pushups, I shake my head whilst watching him in the mirror.

"Eros!" I say, trying to sound stern, as I move to stand beside him. "We're focusing on stretching right now, not pushups."

He smirks, his sweat glistening in the gym lights. "What if my muscles need some extra stretching?"

I roll my eyes, but I can't deny the flutter in my stomach. "Muscles, yes. Ego, not so much."

As the session progresses, I guide him through different stretches, feeling the energy between us shift from initial tension to something more comfortable, even playful.

Eros' competitiveness fuels our interaction, and he pushes himself hard in each stretch. I can't deny the satisfaction of watching his muscles strain and flex under my guidance.

We move on to the treadmill, Eros eyeing it skeptically. "And what's this supposed to do?" he asks, a hint of challenge in his tone.

"Keep your blood pumping, trust me," I reply with a sly smile. I hit the start button, and the treadmill's belt starts moving slowly.

He steps onto the treadmill and starts walking, his movements controlled. I match his pace on the treadmill next to him, determined not to back down from the unspoken challenge.

But as we continue, Eros gradually increases the speed. His muscles tense, and he starts to break a sweat. I can't let him outdo me, so I crank up my own speed, my heart racing as I try to keep up.

We exchange glances, a mixture of competition and camaraderie in our eyes. I see a drop of sweat trickle down Eros' forehead, and I wipe my own brow with the back of my hand.

"You're going pretty fast, Doctor Huxley," he smirks, his voice laced with playful challenge.

"I can hold my own, Mr. Candreva," I retort, determined not to show any signs of weakness.

Our speed continues to climb, and I start to feel the burn in my muscles. I risk a glance at Eros, and he's looking just as determined as I am. A bead of sweat slides down my temple, and without realising it, my foot slips on the moving belt.

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