Such A Pretty House

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Summer, not his favorite season, due to the heat he was forced out of his hoodies and his company kept throwing sponsored clothes in his face whenever convenient.

His parents house was pretty close to his company, so after vocal lessons and his schedueles he would visit, walking around an empty house if they were out and about.

His mother ran a local florist buisness and his dad worked as a barber. He would walk around the house and then outside into a big shared grass area, almost a small park to the neighboring houses. As a child he would run around and pet all the dogs that were walking around with their owners. His dad started calling him their puppy since he was so energetic.

Taking vocal lessons and watching people perform on TV made him want to be an idol. Not that he knew all the consequences of that decision at the time, it was a childhood dream. He auditioned in total of 3 times, from age 16 to age 18, until he finally made it. He then trained until he was 20, with the promise of debuting. He was sure he was gonna be in a group, but at the last second he was ripped from the opportunity. The company boss had pulled him aside and told him he was gonna debut as a solo artist.

It would be a hard challenge, but he had already built a small fanbase around him already, so he agreed, signing the contract and writing his first song.

It was a lonely process, with different writers and producers. He kept changing them cause they overstepped his boundaries. His current manager was also really annoying in his opinion, but be didn't dare bring that up with his boss since it wasn't a valid reason to fire someone.

He met a new producer, only a few years older than him.

"I'm Christopher Bahng, but you can call me Chan, I'm happy you wanted to meet me!" A friendly face smiled at him, holding out his hand at him. He sounded like a foreigner, austrailian if he wasn't wrong.

Seungmin raised and eyebrow, but grabbed the hand and greeted him back, "I'm Kim Seungmin."

Chan was quick to adapt to his working style, and he was quick to get attached to the older one, treating him like an old friend and an older brother. Someone he had needed during his training days.

His debut song became a hit, even hit a radio in the states, it was a small radio but nontheless a big accomplishment for him. He sadly didn't win anything for it, but he did win the smile of Chan and his parents. He invited Chan out to eat and drink, and that's how he started opening up more.

Within the first year a rumour started that he was dating his hairdresser, a young woman who he barely talked to outside of work. She was friendly, definitely would be a great friend, but after the rumour he had been distant to her and everyone who neared him. He didn't even want to date at the moment and definitely not to anyone that close to him.

A week later his hairdresser was fired after she apologized for spreading the rumour, he didn't forgive her.

He lost a lot of fans, but he pulled through, with Chan by his side he was stronger. Chan who would go to his dorm and drop off food and a long hug, saying that the rumours would die out eventually.

That evening he confessed to Chan that he was gay.

Chan advised him to not say it out loud at the company, and that he was happy that he was comfortable to share it with him.

Seungmin learned that in order to keep pushing through, he would also have to hide away some parts of himself that could be dangerous for his career. He was hopelessly feeling like he was falling every second, like everything could fall apart any minute.

Two years passed and his writing team expanded, against his own wishes he needed to work with strangers, but Chan kept saying that this was to help him. That he would get stressed if he had to write everything himself.

Such a pretty house and such a pretty garden (SeungIN)Where stories live. Discover now