|Chapter Four|

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"If you know the song, I want to hear you sing it!" Noah's voice echoed through Charlies and the crowd roared in response.

I was seated at the bar nursing a whiskey and coke, and for the first time I was there because I wanted to be. Chelsea wasn't going out anymore due to her being pregnant and sick, but tonight she was there to support Nick. I could see her growing frame on the side of the stage, and I felt happy for her.

Over the past few weeks, she had been gushing about him, telling me he was the best guy she had ever met. I didn't know if it was the pregnancy hormones or if it was the truth, but nevertheless I was happy for her.

"Are you going to drink that or let it get watered down?" Pete quipped from behind me.

I glanced at him quickly and then down at my half full glass. "I think I might be getting tired of whiskey."

He chuckled in response and grabbed my glass from me. "How about I make you something special?"

I shrugged and watched as he started pouring multiple liquors into his shaker. I cringed and put my focus back on the stage where Noah was jumping on the risers. He was a showman, that was for sure.

The way he took control of the crowd made my affection for him grow, but that was still something I was struggling with. We were friends, and that seemed like a safe place to be.

He had been at my apartment almost every night since I had the dream about my dad, and I hadn't had one since. It was like his presence in my life pushed out all those demons that haunted me about my dad and what he did.

Pete slid a sugar rimmed glass in my direction, and I eyed the pink liquid. "What is this?"

"I call it The Lennon."

I laughed and a rush of serotonin surged through me. It felt nice being wanted, being liked. I took a sip and was instantly hit with the flavor of raspberry and lime. I could feel the sting from the tequila as it slid down my throat and I let out a small cough in response.

"Its good, strong, but good."

He smiled in triumph and nodded at the man that had approached the bar across from me. I was starting to feel the buzz from the alcohol, and Noah announced their last song of the night. I felt a hint of disappointment that it was ending, this was the first time I was enjoying myself.

I scanned the crowd of random people and my eyes landed on Chelsea who was making her way over to me. She waved wildly and I gave her a smirk.

"You look happy." she said while taking the seat next to me. Her bump was starting to show, and I was surprised how quickly it was happening. Granted, she was short and very skinny, so her stomach expanded a lot even when she ate a burrito. This was not a burrito.

"I am," I began. "So do you."

She nudged my knee with hers and Pete handed her a bottle of water. It was weird not seeing her get a drink and I wasn't sure I would get used to it. Chelsea had always been a party girl and she was known for being wild. Now, she was a mom.

"Does this have anything to do with your cute neighbor?" She teased while glancing back at Noah who was now walking off stage.

"We are just friends." I corrected firmly.

She held up her hands in defense and shook her head. Her blonde curls bounced around her face in response. "I didn't suggest otherwise."

I felt Pete's eyes on me, and I turned to face him. He had an amused expression, and I narrowed my eyes. "Don't."

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