Chapter 1 Welcome To Pac-Land

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The story begins on the warm and Sandy Beaches of Pac-Land where Our hero Pac-Man is seen relaxing ah this is the life he said to himself and best of all I don't have to worry about those pesky ghost monsters but just then the aforementioned ghost monsters were also at the beach but unlike Pac-Man they weren't relaxing like he was instead they where plotting a plan for revenge oh yeah well thats what he thinks said Clyde yeah this time we'll be ready for him said Pinky Pac-Mans is going down Blinky
Said and then Inky Said Out Loud SO WHATS THE PLAN TO GET RID OF PAC-MAN? and before he could say anything else Clyde quickly shushed him and looked around to see if anyone had herd what he said and luckily for them no one did
Clyde then reminded him that they where trying to be sneaky about their revenge plan and if this one ends up failing like the rest of them have then let's just say that the consequences will be dire oh boy Said Inky that doesn't sound very pleasant now does it no it does not Clyde said
Just then Pac-Man looked over and noticed that the ghosts were on the beach and they where definitely plotting a plan for revenge he then got up off of his beach blanket and he immediately took action by grabbing a spare power pellet that he grabbed before leaving his house He chomped it and all of the sudden all four of the ghosts started to turn blue and then they saw Pac-Man running towards them and just like that they huddled and were grouped together he managed to eat them all in one single chomp leaving nothing left but there eye's well I guess it's time for us to head back to Mirage Oasis and report
To her royal majesty Blinky Said with a defeated tone in his voice
The rest of the ghosts nodded in agreement and they then floated off to Mirage Oasis meanwhile Pac-Man was left feeling completely confused and wasn't sure what they meant by all that so he decided to follow them to see what they were up to and this will be were chapter 1 of this story will end off on stay tuned for chapter 2 to find out what will happen next

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