Chapter 5 The Pizza Palace

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Well this must be the place said Pac-Man it sure looks uquinqe in terms of it's appearance and design Patra noticed that they had finally arrived oh this is it she spoke in a very excited tone of voice This was my favorite place to go and eat pizza at I've been here ever since and now I get to share my memories of coming here with you she said opening the door and holding it for him as he entered inside Patra followed him as she closed the door behind her woah said Pac-Man he was amazed and stunned by the interior design
So what do you think of the palace so far ? asked Patra
She wanted to know what he thought of it well for one thing it certainly looks like the place to come and eat pizza at I know right Let's find a table to sit at and then we will figure out what to order from the menu she told him as they found a table to sit at Now then what shall I order from the menu oh I know I'll order my usual now then what will you order from the menu she asked Pac-Man there are so many different choices to choose from I'm having trouble figuring out what I want he told her well if you're unsure of what sounds good to you could always pick something from the appetizers section oh I was not aware of there being an appetizer section
Maybe there will be something good from that I can choose from he said browsing through what they had to offer in terms of appetizers he then came across one that caught his attention witch was a smaller sized pizza witch it's crust had four Mozzarella sticks placed inside of it oh that looks appetizing I'll try that perfect Patra said as she closed up her menu and Pac-Man did the same with his and they set them both aside and suddenly a sound that could only be described as a Gong took them both by surprise
Wow what was that for ? Asked Pac-Man I belive that the sound of the Gong was to let us both know that our pizza's are now baking and being cooked in the oven Patra explained to Pac-Man well that certainly is an Effective way of letting visitors know that there food is currently in the process of being cooked just then Scooby had finally arrived at the pizza palace and he entered inside and made his way over to the table that Patra and Pac-Man were seated at Suddely his nose started sniffing what could only be a Steamy Trail of deliciousness floated out of the kitchen and towards Scoobys nose that ment that the pizza's had finished cooking in
Oven and were now being taken out and placed on a pan scooby made his way over towards the table and sat down by Patra just then the pizza's that were still on the tray suddenly were taken out of the kitchen on a magic carpet and floated over and made it's way towards the table the mere sight of the pizza's made Scoobys tounge start to salivate he wanted to eat some slices of pizza especially the one that Patra had ordered it had looked especially delicious he licked his lips with his tongue and reached for a slice until Patra took notice of the fact that they had a guest who wanted to join them on indulging themselves in eating freshly baked Pizza's He started whimpering to get the attention of Patra awww did you want a slice of pizza ? Scooby nodded his head yes Here She said grabbing a slice and holding it out in her paws you can have this one and we can share the rest of it together Scooby took the slice and felt comforted by her gentle speaking tone of voice as he ate his slice her tail wrapped itself around him and as he grabbed his second slice
She countinued talking to him while the tip of her Tail started stroking his chin so tell me about yourself what is you're name and where did you come from ?
Well my name is Scooby-Doo
And I live in Coolsville in a doghouse oh and that's another thing the species of dog that I am is a Great Dane I have brown fur with black spots well I must admit that for a dog you certainly are quite handsome
And if you're wondering what my name is I am Patra and I live in a prymid that is in Mirage Oasis and this here is Pac-Man he looked over at Scooby and waved at him before eating another pice of the pizza that he ordered witch was the one with Mozzarella sticks stuffed into its crust it was a very heavenly tasting pizza oh yeah this is the good stuff right here he said in-between bites as Pac-Man grabbed the next slice of his pizza he suddenly felt full witch was unexpected to say the least you know for the first time I suddenly feel full as if I couldn't eat another slice of this absolutely delicious tasting pizza
Would anyone like to finish it ?
And before anyone could say anything Scoobys tounge wrapped itself around the pizza and without hesitation he swallowed the remaining pieces of pizza I have to admit that was impressive Patra said she on the other hand was nearly finished with her delicious tasting pizza
As hers only had one slice left
She opted to split this last and final slice between herself and Scooby after that it was time for
Them all to head back to there respective homes well this surely was quite the adventure but I think it's time that we all head back to our homes Pac-Man said then they gave eachother hugs and said there farewells as for Patra She blew a kiss to Scooby with her paw and waved goodbye to him Scooby waved goodbye back to her and headed back home to his doghouse and that was the end of Pizza Pandemonium until then stay tuned for the next exciting story
Cast of characters Scooby-Doo Pac-Man Patra and the ghosts monsters or as there more commonly referred to as Blinky Pinky Inky and Clyde

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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Pizza Pandemonium staring Scooby-Doo and Pac-Man Where stories live. Discover now