Chapter 2 Arrival At Mirage Oasis

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Well that could've gone better said Blinky to the rest of the ghosts who were on there way to Mirage Oasis I just can't belive that we almost where this close to finally be able to exact our revenge on Pac-Man Pinky said well even in spite of our previous attempts we at least tried our best especially with this latest attempt how much longer until we arrive at the pyramid said Inky I cannot stand this hot desert heat any longer neither can I Said Clyde then they had finally arrived at the primyid wow well that was convenient timing on our Part
Said Blinky as he looked up and saw the primyid he then knocked on the entrance of it
And the four of them entered inside of it while the entrance closed back up again meanwhile Pac-Man was still hot on thier trail I've got them now he thought to himself but then he came across and encountered the primyid now how in the world do they expect me to enter this place and find them in there
As he began to ponder on how to enter inside of the primyid he leaned up against it and suddenly the entrance opened up and he fell down and was now inside of the primyid then the entrance closed itself back up as he got himself up off the ground the overall architecture
And apperince of the primyid was absolutely astonishing he then continued his search for the ghosts and as for the ghosts themselves now that they where
Inside of the primyid they had finally come face to face with a rather mysterious looking creature who was shrouded in
Darkness she sat a top a throne and on either side of the throne where illuminated by flames
Bow before me she said to them in a regal and comanding tone of voice not wanting to disobey her
They obeyed her request and bowed down to her what will happen next in this story find out in chapter 3

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