Chapter 3 Priestess Patra

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Well I was wondering when you all would return I sense that you're latest plan for revenge against Pac-Man failed just like the previous ones have in the past well uh actually we almost had him but right at the very last moment he pulled out a power pellet and he chomped us Blinky told the mysterious creature
He could tell that she wasn't pleased by there most recent failed attempt the flames that surrounded her throne flared up and she was furious Oh boy thought Inky we're in for it now
That's It I have had it with your constant failed attempts to get Pac-Man from now on you four ghost monsters are officially fired and will be demoted from your job hearing this unfortunate news sadden them
So they headed out of the primyid and began to seek out a new place to take shelter and for them to reside in now then since that's all been taken care of I can
Finally relax the creature spoke in a more relaxed tone of voice
However she was unaware that Pac-Man was still in her prymid
And she overheard his voice as he made his way into her throne room hello and welcome to my throne room she said Welcoming
Him Come Fourth and tell me you're name My Name is Pac-Man and who might you be he asked I'm Patra and I live here in this prymid well it certainly seems like you've grown accustomed to it Pac-Man said yes you could say that I have grown accustomed to living in the primyid Patra said but I'll tell you that after all that traveling and traversing that you've done you must be very hungry well now that you said that I am feeling rather hungry myself but where would we be able to find somewhere to eat out here in the middle of the desert asked Pac-Man oh I have my ways said Patra as she smiled and speaking of food
I herd that there was a pizza place that was just opened
And since pizza is one of my favorite foods I thought that the two of us could indulge ourselves in eating some freshly baked pizza's after hearing her talking about and mentioning Pizza Pac-Man started to become even hungrier well all this talk about pizza has made me hungry well I can tell that you are quite Eager about eating pizza Patra said so have you actually eaten pizza before or is this your first time having it? Actually I have had it before
Been it has been a while since I've last eaten it Oh so you've acutally have had pizza before but you haven't had it since then
Asked Patra well there's no time like the present to have it again and revisit it's tastefulness she told him while motioning him to follow her Come On and Follow Me and with that they left the primyid and where on there way to The pizza place for they were about to indulge themselves in some freshly baked Pizza's what Will happen next in this story find out and stay tuned for Chapter 4 entitled The Craving For Pizza to find out

Pizza Pandemonium staring Scooby-Doo and Pac-Man Where stories live. Discover now