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Angelina's POV

The rest of the school week went by rather quickly. It was like I had blinked and it was done. School hasn't been as bad to say the least. The bullying was barely occurring since everything happened with Connor, and I couldn't be more at peace. The only thing I have been facing was Connor's constant gifts and apologies begging me to forgive him. One day it was a teddy bear that held a heart, and another day it was roses. My heart ached at the thought of forgiving him, but I knew I deep down it would be a big mistake if I did.

What if all of his friends made another bet with him to hurt my again? What if he's doing it because no other girl will go out with him? I sighed loudly at the thought running through my head, wanting them to desperately stop. Thing is, I didn't know how to make them go away.

"Loner, we've missed you" A familiar voice called. I snapped my head in the direction of the door and saw Taylor with his girlfriend. The fear instantly hit me as I wondered what they would do. They hadn't made fun of me or hit me since i attempted suicide, why did they want to start again?

"Since you tried to end your pathetic life" Taylor smirked. "Would've been better if no one saved you, you know? You wouldn't have to show your ugly face around the school. Too bad daddy had to save you" I felt my eyes well up with tears at their words. Maybe they were right. Maybe I should've just died. I wouldn't have to deal with this again and I'd be with my mom.

"L-Leave me alone, please" I mumble, playing with the ends of my sweater. They all laughed an evil sounding laugh. I felt myself being pushed up against the lockers, groaning in pain at the feeling of metal hitting my back.

"Or what, loner?" Taylor snapped. He raised his fist in my direction. I closed my eyes and waiting for the contact, but felt nothing. I scrunched my eyebrows and slowly opened my eyes to find him up against the lockers with Connor holding him by the shoulders. I gasped and watched in shock as he punched Taylor repeatedly.

The fight got worse and worse, people began to gather around pulling out their phones while chanting 'fight, fight, fight'. Finally Taylor Raddysh had pulled Connor off him. The crowd subsided and I stood frozen against the lockers. I didn't know how to feel with what he had done. He had finally stood up for me, but in the worst possible way.

"Are you okay?" Connor's voice snapped me from my thoughts. He placed his hand on my cheek and rubbed it gently with his thumb. I felt myself melt into his soft touch as I looked into his beautiful eyes, finding myself get lost in them.

"Y-yeah I'm okay" I spoke. My voice was barely above a whisper.

"I'm glad, babe" my heart fluttered at the eyes he called me babe. I haven't heard that nickname in a while.

I pulled away and slowly took a step back from Connor. Looking at him with a sad expression as I walked away, leaving him standing there. I couldn't bare even staying near him after he had called me 'babe'. I don't want him to think I forgave him just yet.

"Ang, wait" a female voice called after me. I turned around and saw Ava run up to me.

"What happened?" She asks, pulling me to the side of the hallway.

"It's Connor" I sighed, "I haven't forgiven him and he keeps trying to make it up to me"

Ava gave me a sad smile, "He really is sorry. The entire time we were driving to the hospital he cried about it. He cried and blamed himself for your suicide attempt. He was just a mess" I looked away from her, feeling my eyes fill with tears. Is that really how he felt? Well I hope it was, if I'm being honest. I felt used, played and everything in between after what he had done.

He lied to me.

"The team has a game tonight. We're going" Ava said. I rolled my eyes and shook my head in response. I didn't want to be anywhere near the ice. Not right now at least.

"Awe that's so cute. You thought I was giving you a choice. I'll be at your house for 5" And with that, she walked away without giving me a chance to respond.

I guess I was going yo the game tonight.


Ouuuu, Angelina is going to the game, not like she had a choice;)

This was a much shorter chapter haha. I feel like I am making them too long!

Anywayyyyyy, hope you all
Enjoy it!


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