Car ride

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"Skyler please stop-*whimpers* it hurts"

"Wren you should have thought about that before you yelled at me"

"I'm sorry please please please stop"

Skyler stopped hitting me and I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. He walked away then came back a few minutes later.

"Wren Carter is here to pick us up get up let's go"

I stood up then walked out to the car. I got in the back and pushed myself up against the door as much as I could.

"We have to go get Ryland too" said Carter

"Ok I'll sit back here with Wren"

"Ok sounds good"

Skyler got in and Carter drove to go get Ryland.

Ryland got in the car then looked at me.

"Hey Wrenley"


"Are you ok"


"Yea she's fine" Skyler said he grabbed my side and pulled me into him he gripped me digging his fingers into me.

I fake smiled at Ryland in agreement.

I looked up at Skyler he looked down at me. I bit my bottom lip as our eye contact got really intimate. He bit his bottom lip and smirked at me. I slowly leaned up towards him, and he slowly leaned towards me.

His lips connected with mine and we kissed for a minute then we stopped before the others could spot us. My eyes still connected at Skyler. Then he smirked at me again. I suddenly realized how cute he is and how nice he can be.

Was his abusive behavior really an accident or was he just saying that.

Once we got to our destination Skyler interrupted Ryland and Carters conversation.

"You guys can head in me and Wren need a minute"



They guys got out of the car and walked into the restaurant.

I went to get out of the car when Skyler grabbed my arm so the car door closed and I looked at him.

"Hey Wren baby"


"Are you ok"

"What do you mean"

"I didn't hurt you to bad right?"

"No" I said covering my side

Skyler looked down at my hand then moved it and lifted my shirt.

His eyes widened at the large purple bruise in the shape of his hand.

"Holy shit Wren-"

Skyler pulled me into him and hugged me tightly

"I'm so sorry baby I didn't mean it was an accident I swear"

I felt a tear drop on my shoulder.

I pulled away from him and looked him in his eyes.

"It's ok- promise"

"I love you Wren"

"I love you too"

My "accidentally" abusive boyfriend Where stories live. Discover now