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Skyler and I sat in silence next to each other when Skylers phone rang. His mother was calling him. He picked it up this is the convo.

Mom: Hello

Skyler: Hey mom what's cracking

Mom: Just your father back I really think he should get that checked out

Skyler: haha

Mom: so I called to see if maybe you and Wrenley wanted to come over for dinner me and your father think that you should plus we haven't seen Wren in a while so we would love if you guys would stop by so we could see you guys before you leave I'm making your favorite pasta with broccoli.

Skyler: Yeah yeah we'll be there what time you want us there

Mom: probably in about an hour so like what 5:30

Skyler: Ok sounds good

Mom: Ok great

Skyler: see you soon mom

Mom: yep

Skyler: Love you bye

Mom: Love you bye

Skyler hung up then turned to me.

"Babe we are supposed to be at my moms for dinner in an hour so we should go get ready"


I kissed Skyler quickly then went upstairs and showered once I got out Skyler got in. I got dressed into.

 I got dressed into

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This. I came down stairs and Skylers jaw dropped when he saw what I was wearing.

I looked down at my dress and pulled on it.

"What does it look bad"

He just stared at me.

"Should I go change"

He still just stared.

"Yeah I'll go change" I turned around and headed up the stairs. Skyler grabbed my sides and spun me around. He kissed me.

Once he stopped kissing me he ran his fingers down my curves.

"Goddamn we might have to reschedule the dinner" Skyler said


"Your making me so horny"

"Oh my God stop it" I pushed Skyler away playfully.

I went into the bathroom and checked my hair.

Then we headed out to the car and left.


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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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My "accidentally" abusive boyfriend Where stories live. Discover now