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Me and Skyler walked into the restaurant and went to sit by the others by the window. I sat down and stared blankly at the table. Skyler put his hand on my thigh and lightly squeezed it. I looked up at him and he smiled at me and I smiled back but my smile was empty.

We ordered out food ate it then left.

We had to stop to get gas on the way home.

"Wren do u think you could pump gas me and the guys have to run into the gas station to buy some cigarettes" Skyler asked me

"Uh- yeah- yeah- sure"

"Ok thanks baby" Skyler kissed my cheek then the boys and I got out and I began to pump gas.

This random guy came up to me.

"Hey your really cute can I get your number"

"Sorry no I have a boyfriend"

He grabbed my sides and pulled me into him. I looked through the window and saw Skyler looking at me angrily.

"Yeah well I don't see him"

Skyler came up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"You see him now" Skyler said

The guy turned around and Skyler jacked him the face. Skyler dragged me into the back seat and the others got in the front.

"Babe you can't just leave him there"

"Why can't I, do you like him or somthing, huh makes sinse why he grabbed you then maybe I should've beat the shit out of you instead of him"

I looked at him fear in my eyes.

The boys dropped us off and I darted into the house. I heard footsteps behind me. I started to run up the stairs then Skyler grabbed my arm. Fear aroused me when I looked at him his scary deep brown almost black eyes peirced mine. That's when he raised his hand and slapped me in the face so hard I fell on the floor.

He kicked me a few times before I used all my strength to pick myself up and run into our room. I locked the bedroom door and sat in front of it. I cried and cried as he banged on the door


I didn't answer him. He stopped hitting the door and heard me sniffling.

"Wren please- please open the door"

"Are you calm" I asked


"Ok hold on"

I got up off the floor and prepared myself to get hit again. So I carefully and slowly unlocked the door then flung it open. I ran into the bathroom grabbed a razor blade and sat in the bathtub.

"Wren I'm not gonna hit you again"

I stood up leaving the blade in the tub and slowly walked over to him.

"Shit-" Skyler looked at the floor

"I'm so so sorry"

I didn't answer him I just looked at him.

Skyler stepped closer to me. He put his hand out and I flinched.

"I am such a bad boyfriend I wanna go kill myself for what I've done to you"

"No- Sky- please don't"

"Why I don't deserve you or your love"


"Wren-" I interrupted him


Skyler ran down the stairs and out the door I chased him because I seen him running straight to the train tracks. He got there before I did and stood right in front of an on coming train. I got there just in time to run as fast as I could and push him out of the way of the train. I fell onto the train tracks but I layed perfectly still so the bottom of the train barley touched my nose. I crawled army style under the train and found a latch I opened it and crawled into it. It was a crawl space. I got in and sat there as still as possible I didn't even notice any of the cuts and blood on myself I was worried about Skyler.

Once the train was gone I heard screaming. I climb out of the hatch and saw Skyler sitting right beside the train tracks. I walked over to him and sat down.


Skyler looked at me.

"Holy fuck"

I had blood stains all over white halter crop top, blood in my hair, and all over my face

"I almost fucking killed you again"

He hugged me. He placed me in his lap and squeezed me tightly. He wouldn't let me go his grip didn't loosen on me he just held me close to him. I liked when he was like this not when he hit me. Believe it or not he only hugged me like this when he did somthing to hurt me it felt good to get a hug.



"I love you"

"You shouldn't"


"I'm not good for you"

"Smokings not good for you"

"I know but you are"

I looked up at Skyler then he kissed me.

"I love you too Wrenley Jade"

My "accidentally" abusive boyfriend Where stories live. Discover now