Chase me

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Wren I have a question"

Skyler said while we where chilling on the couch.

"Yeah" I answered

"Why are you still with me"

"Because I love you"

"Why I hurt you"

I put my grape back down in my bowl then crawled onto Skylers lap.

"The same reason you smoke" I said seductively

"What?" Skyler asked confused

I bit my bottom lip and came up inches from his face.

"Your addicting" I whispered seductively

Skyler grabbed my thighs and kissed me.

"Is that so"


Skyler began to kiss down my neck.

"I hate how much I love you" Skyler said

"Babe" I said

"Hm" he said still kissing me down the neck

"I have a question but you can't get mad" I said pulling away gently.


"Why- Why- uh- Never mind" I looked up at Skyler then down at the floor then at Skyler then at the floor again.

Skyler grabbed my face and kissed me.

"I know what your gonna ask love"

I looked back at him then at the floor.

"You where gonna ask why I hit you- right"

"Mhm" I said

"I really don't know"

"Do you not love me" I asked

"No I do that's why I do it because I want us to stick together so when I see guys looking at you I get mad at you for being so hot then when you yell at me it's because I know damn well I can't win an argument with someone that is so damn sexy when she stands up for herself"

My face flushed red.

"Now where were we" Skyler asked.

He began kissing my neck again.

*Ring Ring*

The moment was ruined when Skylers phone rang. He stood up knocking me off his lap. He picked up his phone then walked away from me.

He came back a few minutes later but he looked upset. He stomped upstairs and I followed him. He slammed our bedroom door in my face. I opened it quietly and saw him laying on our bed.

"Sky- Are you awake" I whispered

He didn't answer. His phone vibrated and I went to grab it but his hand followed mine his hand landed on my hand.

He opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Why are you touching my phone"

"I-I-Uh-Was gonna check it for you"

"Well no need I got it you can leave"

"But I wanna hang out with you"

"Wren not right now-leave"


I turned away to leave.

"I love you" Skyler said

I didn't reply I just continued walking.

Skyler got up from the bed I could sense his presence. So I ran down the stairs and he chased me. He caught up and grabbed my arm and I looked at him. He leaned over me with his hands resting on the wall my arms pinned over my head.

"I said I love you"

"Love you" I whispered

"Who loves me"

"*Scoff" OH MY GOD SKYLER I DO- I LOVE YOU" I yelled

Skyler smirked at me. I slid out under his arms and plopped on the couch. He sat next to me. I was mad at him for being aggressive and he knew it.

He put his arm around and slid me closer to him. I moved away from him and he looked at me.

"Take a picture it'll last longer" I scoffed

Skyler picked his phone up then legitimately took a picture of me.

"Ok I took at picture but what now"

I rolled my eyes.

I stood up and walked up the stairs, into our room, and into our bathroom. I closed the door took a shower and put on a towel. I opened the bathroom door and Skyler was towering over me.

"Skyler move"

"But baby I want to hang out with you" he mocked me

I rolled my eyes then he did somthing unexpected. He pulled my towel and it fell onto the floor. I stood there then suddenly realized what he did when he smiled at me and analyzed my body with his eyes.

I pushed him away from me and grabbed clothes out of my dresser and got dressed.

"Whoa what was that for" Skyler asked

"Your pissing me off" I said

"What did I do"

"Don't act like you don't know"

"Wren I don't what did I do"

"Fine I'll tell you, you are being hella sketchy"

"What do you mean"

"With your phone notification"

"Really Wren"


"What do you think is going on" Skyler asked

"Come on baby" Skyler said again


My eyes widened when I realized I yelled at him.

"I'm so sorry didn't mean to yell-" I stammered

Skyler threw his phone on the bed.

"Go on pick it up" Skyler said motioning towards his phone

I reached over the bed and grabbed his phone. I stood away from Skyler and opened his messages.


                   Skyler- Mom I just wanna let you know that I'm finally taking Wren to the special house you know in the Himalayas she's been really upset lately I might not answer my phone I will be spending quality time with her

Mom- Ok that's a good idea plus I really like her

Skyler- that's a good thing cause she's not going anywhere

I read the message then threw his phone back on the bed.

"But why where you being so aggressive with me"

"I'm sorry"

Skyler came over to me and knocked me onto the bed and he leaned over me.

"I love you so much Wren"

"I love you too"

"But i'm not done talking about this"

"Shh we'll talk more tomorrow"

My "accidentally" abusive boyfriend Where stories live. Discover now