[52] Baby Talk

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Before we start I want to thank  @DxxdLove for the fanart of Ace, I love it so much.

Now, onto the chapter :)


Rick left with Michonne and Carl before I could get myself out of bed, unable to pull myself into a sitting position with the pain and aching in my chest. Part of me wondered whether I should wear the gear over the top, maybe compressing the area to stop it from moving. Getting the gear over my head would hurt just as much, though.

Everyone had got together to make a plan for the day, Hershel and Carol wanted to work on a way out of the prison in case the Governor pushed in, and they stayed in the common room to work on looking through the map. Daryl and Glenn thought that maybe we should try pushing into the prison again, but Rick wanted Daryl watching out for Merle.

"There were just waves of them," Glenn said. "I think with all the shooting they're just finding their ways inside."

"Yeah, gonna have to keep it quiet in here," Daryl agreed.

"Doesn't matter if we get into another gunfight," I reminded them. "The Governor could come in at any time, and when he does it isn't going to be quiet. We need to find secure places to hide so we don't get snuck up on by the walkers."

"We don't want to be cornered either," Beth argued.

"Maybe we don't have to be inside?" I suggested. "We could try scaring them away with firecrackers and shit."

"All things we should think about after," Hershel said from his table. "Andrea thinks she can get a meeting with this man, and if that goes well then we won't need to plan for a fight."

"I'd rather be prepared than not," I said.

A cry came from the cell block, and I glanced back.

"I got her for now," Beth said.

I leaned back against the metal table as she left, before turning back to Daryl, Glenn and Maggie. Nothing had really been decided apart from having to wait for Rick to get back before we could try and clear the tombs.

After a moment of thought, I decided what my plan for the day was. "I think I'm going to make sure the guns all work, I don't want a weapon jamming up in someone's hand," I said. "Then come up with some traps if they push inside. They're not taking this place without a fight."

"That's what you think," Merle called from across the room.

I felt my jaw tighten, and I looked at Daryl as a way of saying 'shut your brother up'. He seemed to understand the look, but didn't say anything to Merle, just sending a glare across the room, and his brother just laughed at him.

When he looked back at me I was chewing the inside of my cheek, but Daryl gave a nod. "It's a good idea," he confirmed after a moment. "He's not taking this place without a fight."

"I'll head out and take the first watch," Glenn said.

"I can come out after?" I suggested.

"No," Hershel stopped me from across the room. "You can't use a gun that's going to press against your shoulder. We don't know whether the shot cracked a rib, but if it did, the knock back of a rifle may be enough to push the bone out of place. It could hit back and puncture a lung."

I blinked, staring at him as I thought about it. "That's a no for rifles. I guess I'm sticking to the handgun. But I could still keep an eye out with binoculars, call someone outside if I see anything."

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